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"Are you ready for today?" Baba asked with a grin

"Yes, inshallah!" I replied while taking a sip out of my coffee

I was about to leave when Mama stopped me

"Stand beside your father," She demanded

She took out her phone and started taking pictures

"Mama, I'm going to be late!"

"Fine, Fine one more selfie," She said

Let's just say one more selfie to my mom= 20 selfies

"Alright, have a good day. Don't forget to pray, Salaam!" She yelled out

"Waalaikumsalam," I muttered, heading to my car.


After a 45 minute drive, I finally arrived at my new job
I can't believe my employer is the Alfred Robinson
I can't believe I now work at Robinson's Law Firm
Before I could keep thinking about how lucky I was, I smoothed down my blazer and walked inside.
I went inside I found myself staring at Mr. Alfred Robinson
Oh my Allah, keep it together, Saima!

"Hello, you must be Ms. Rahman," He said, extending a hand
Before, I could tell myself that shaking his hand was NOT a good idea. I shook it. I mean, one handshake isn't that bad, right...?

"Let me give you a tour and tell you your tasks for today," He said


After the tour, I was led into my office
Yes, my own office, I was so excited to decorate it!

"Hi, I'm Emilia," My office buddy said, extending her hand

Shaking her hand, I replied, "Saima, nice to meet you."

"Alright, I'll let you two get acquainted, and Emilia will explain what you have to do today."

I nodded and thanked him. He then gave a wink and walked out.

"So today you'll be talking to a couple potential clients through video call, and I believe two clients will be coming to your office, but you can just check your calendar" She smiled

I thanked her and got to work.


It was around 5pm when I was finished. Wow, it's only the first day, and I'm SO tired. Yikes
Once I greeted everyone goodbye, I went home.

I had prayed Maghrib and all of my missed prayers, and now I sat at the dinner table with my family. Today Bhai and Bhabi were over for dinner. I don't understand why they bought a house if they're always over, they should just move back in.

Questions about my new job came, and I told my family everything. How cool Emilia is, my clients and Mr. Robinson.

"Why don't we all go to the Masjid for Isha today?" Baba suggested

Oh boy, I haven't been to the masjid in awhile.

But we went, and after praying, I have never felt more at peace. I don't know how I got to the state where I am now in my deen. As a child, I would live and breathe Islam with everything I did. But as I got older, my soul got corrupted.

After we prayed, we all went to my favorite halal burger place. Even though we all ate already. But Baba insisted, to celebrate my first day.

We all ate and had fun just talking when Baba spoke

"Saima, we have something to tell you."

"Someone is asking for your hand in marriage."

I choked on my fry.




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