45 | wedding galore

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"I don't need this, but I really want it" I said as I carefully examined the stunning pair of heels. 

"Saima you have like 10 pairs of black heels put it away" Mama scolded just like when I was younger and would buy unnecessary things. 

"But Mama, look, these ones are velvet black the material is much nicer, and they're on sale," I argued; she raised her eyebrows, "You are no longer my problem," She mumbled under her breath, walking away. Bhabi and I looked at each other and started laughing. Sometimes I'd wonder if Mama hated me when she said stuff like that, but it was too funny.

The three of us were doing some last-minute shopping before we leave for the wedding this afternoon. For some reason, we all were driving there—all 9 of us. Mama, Baba, Bhai, Zayn, Bhabi, Maryam, Zara, Fatima, and I. Uncle, Aunty, and Rukaiya had work, so they sadly couldn't come.

When I was younger, the five of us would drive to New York; it was a less than ten-hour drive depending on how many stops we made. But the 9 of us in a car together? It was going to be a lot. I could already feel myself getting bored.

We finally made it back to Mama and Baba's house many hours later, where everyone was waiting for us. I had already packed, but since I bought more stuff, I had to re-pack my already stuffed to the brim suitcase.

"We're there for seven days, why would you need twenty pairs of shoes?" Bhai asked carrying Maryam. 

"Outfit changes, in case it rains, and what if I break a heel?" I said, listing the numerous possibilities. Bhai exchanged a look with Zayn, who was seated comfortably on my old bed. He shrugged while Bhai shook his head, walking out. I went over and grabbed Zayn's bags, stuffing two pairs of shoes in there. "Really?" He asked, lifting his gaze away from his phone; I nodded it was necessary, and my bags already had no room.

We then left the house situating ourselves into the car. Before we got in Zara had made a little graph, and was presenting it to us.

"So first Bhai and Bhabi in the front seat, then Maryam, Mama and Baba and at the very back Me, Fatima, Appi and Bhai. Then after our stop, once we're halfway there, Appi and Bhai in the front, Mama, Baba and me in the middle and then Me, Fatima, Bhabi, Maryam and Bhai at the back" My head was turning with all of that, I hadn't gotten a single thing not to mention she spoke way to fast for me to even begin to comprehend. But we all nodded and got in.

The first five hours went by fairly quickly; we barely even realized it was time to stop. While Bhai got the gas, the rest of us went inside to freshen up and get snacks. Grabbing myself some Takis and an Iced tea, I was ready to go. Everyone else was taking their time while I hopped into the passenger seat, wrapping my blanket around me and adjusting my neck pillow.

"Ready?" Zayn asked starting up the engine, we all nodded and he began to drive off. 


Everyone besides Zayn and I were fast asleep. It was nearing midnight and I could tell he was getting tired after driving for five hours,

"Don't be so stubborn let me drive, you should rest" I whispered trying not to wake anyone, in the darkness I could faintly see him shake his head. 

"Saima, I'm fine we only have another hour, go to sleep" He whispered back his eyes on the road,

I stayed quiet, obviously not falling asleep. I wasn't going to let him drive in the dark while he was tired without supervision. 

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