29 | saima likes who?

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"You are not going to the interview!" Bhai argued

"But Baba said I could!" I whined, who was he to tell me where I could and could not go? He wasn't my father.

It was the next day, and I was released from the hospital. Mama and Baba were at work, so Bhai took me home, where Bhabi would be babysitting me. As much as I love Bhabi, Bhai was adamant about at least three days' supervision if I faint again when no one's home. With the way he acts, you'd think he was my dad.

"Saima, you fainted!"

"Yeah, because apparently, some guy wants to marry me! If you want to use that logic, then reject the proposal!" I retorted, slamming the passenger door.

"He's not some guy. He's Zayn! And why? You don't wanna marry him?" He asked puzzled.

"That's not what I meant to forget it," I muttered.

"No! Tell me I can call him up right now and tell him you don't want to marry-" He said, taking out his phone.

"No!" I screamed, grabbing his phone from him

"So you want to marry him! I knew it you would've told us to reject it the second we told you about a proposal!" He said smirking

"No! I couldn't do that because I passed out, and there's nothing wrong with getting to know someone for marriage. I was open to Aziz's proposal," I mumbled, glaring at him.

"No, you weren't. We had to persuade you!"

"Well, I'm now open to it," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because of Zayn"

"Not Zayn because I'm ready!"

"No, it's because of Zayn you so like him! If this were any other guy, you would've rejected it by now"

I slapped him on the shoulder, "I don't like him."

"Yeah, you do, or else you wouldn't be open to the proposal."

"Bhai, I'm not having this conversation with you," I grumbled.

"Too late." He snickered.

For the rest of the 20-minute car ride home, Bhai kept on teasing me, insisting this was payback for when he was getting married to Bhabi, and all I would do was tease him.


For what felt like a century later, we were home.

"Saima likes Zayn Saima likes Zayn," Bhai said teasingly as I walked inside.

"Bhabi, help me!!" I said, going over to her and hugging her

"What's going on now?" She asked, sitting down

"You're husband is annoying" I whined

"Saima likes Zayn."

We both said at the same time, Bhai earning a glare from me.

"Stop teasing her," Bhabi said, hugging me.

"But she-" Bhai started.

"Nope, don't want to hear it, don't mess with me now, Omar remember I'm very close to giving birth, and you don't want to mess with an angry wife," She threatened. It's true she was nearing 30 weeks and was not having it.
Upon hearing this, Bhai grumbled something as I gave him an evil smile, and he went upstairs, sticking his tongue out to me.

Bhabi looked over to me with a smirk, "So you're marrying Zayn?"

Why is this the only thing I get asked now?


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