19 | the truth always comes out

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It was after Fajr, and I was sitting in my hospital bed reading Quran. It had been a couple of days since I've been here, and the only visitors I was allowed were my parents, siblings, Bhabi, and Angie. They had, I guess, decided that once I started regaining my memory, then I would have more visitors. Today was my last day at the hospital, and I would be going home around dinner time after my tests.

My days in the hospital were very peaceful. I honestly didn't want to go home. I would wake up for Tahajjud and pray; then I would do Fajr; I would then read 1-2 pages of the Quran since I wasn't allowed to do much reading in case of complications with my concussion. I would do dhikr and sleep. After I woke up, my parents would come and bring me some Tim Hortons for breakfast. I would chill and hang out with Bhai and Bhabi. Zara and Angie, they would come and bring photo albums to look at. Later I would have lunch, usually some shawarma from down the street; then, Doc would run my tests. After that, I slept.

I honestly wish I could live like this forever!
But I was excited to go home and regain my memories!
Even with the photo albums, I hadn't remembered anything!
I saw pictures from Bhai and Bhabi's wedding and still got nothing.
My graduation pictures even more nothing!
I tried so hard to remember!
But nothing worked!
But I knew Allah had a plan as he was the best planner.
So I just kept making dua'a

"You haven't been like this in a long time," Mama whispered from the door.

"What do you mean," I asked

"You've always been a good Muslim, but after high school, you stopped memorizing Quran, I would have to tell you to pray, the way you wore your hijab wasn't the same as before. That kind of stuff It's like after high school you lost a piece of yourself."

I was shocked. I knew I would get busy after high school, but did I change that much?
Did I become one of those people that valued the Dunya that much?

I was broken out of my thoughts to see Baba come in with a big Tim Hortons bag with a grin plastered on his face.

"Last Hospital Breakfast Habibti!"


As I walked down the halls of my home, I saw a picture of me with a graduation cap and gown alongside my family. That doesn't seem like that long ago. But I still had no recollection of any of it.

Mama and Baba told me not to stress and that Inshallah, it would all come naturally.
I walked into the kitchen to see Mama on her phone with tears in her eyes.

"Is everything okay?" I asked

"Yes, love, I was inviting your Uncle and Aunt over for Dinner.

"Why are you crying? Do you not want them over" I teased

"I do, but I'm just scared for when you find out what happened, causing you to lose your memory," Mama said, hugging me.

"Inshallah, I will be fine," I said, comforting her and trying to comfort myself. Whatever happened could not have been that bad, right?


The doorbell rang, and Mama ran to open it.
I stood behind Mama, with Bhabi and Zara clutching both of my hands.

Aunty Asma and Uncle Umar both greeted me and talked to me as if I was a piece of fine china. So gently, and Aunty Asma hugged me so gently.

Then came to identical-looking girls around my age, Rukaiya, and Fatima, I believe, and they gave me a bone-crushing hug.

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