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My baby is all done. "A Promise" is officially over. I didn't think this day would come so fast! I'm writing this note on 11/09/20 so this will probably be published 3-5 days from now. 

Thank you thank you thank you all so so much for reading this book. I had written this book YEARS ago but never published on wattpad because cringy 13 year old writing was not needed. But I am so proud of how "A Promise" had turned out. It's definitely not your "Most" islamic novel ever but that's how I wanted it to be. Just regular muslim characters, who's faith strengthened along their journey. Nothing too "Preachy" just a lighthearted, enjoyable book that gently brought awareness to important topics. I hope I did this in an effective way where you all learned something new, but It didn't feel like I was just brushing over it. 

 Now, before I take any more of your precious time I would like the say one last final thank you to all of you who read, voted and commented. I love you all thank you so much. Each and every comment or vote has seriously made my day, seeing you guys laugh or enjoy the book really made me happy.

At this point I'm not sure if this note makes anymore sense LOL I don't like editing author's notes because well now you get it straight from me and now you can tell how much I edit my work haha. 

Okay I know I said Thank you for the last time before, but seriously.

T H A N K  Y O U 

I love you all and I hope I see you on my next book, 'finding faith'

hugs and kisses, 

sammyhaa <3 

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