41 | tis the season

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TW: Mentions of Eating Disorders, it's splattered all over this chapter so please message me and I can summarize. There will be a warning where it's most in depth.



The week had slowly dragged by a routine between Zayn, and I had formed. Wake up, pray, eat breakfast, come home, eat, watch Spongebob, and sleep. It was a tiring routine but coming home to him every evening made it worth it. Friday had approached, and we both had taken a week off for our "Honeymoon." Christmas holidays were next week, so we had a glorious two weeks off in total. Today everyone would be arriving for our Walima, which was tomorrow evening. As I laid in bed, the sound of the birds chirping and Zayn's snoring surrounding me, I slowly grabbed my phone, unlocking it to be bombarded by hundreds of texts from my family and friends. Some were telling me the whereabouts of my inlaws, and others from my mother yelling at me for not calling her last night. Sighing, I put it away and took a look at Zayn. It was clear that he was stressed, his under eyes dark and puffy, he had started to break out around his forehead and his -

"Stop Staring" He grumbled his eyes still closed, I gasped how did he realize?

"Was not" I said lying through my teeth as I turned around facing the opposite way,

His arm laid on my waist, his grip ever so tight. 

"Good morning beautiful" He said with a chuckle as he pulled me closer,  I didn't respond,

"I'm sorryyy" He said mumbling into the crook of my neck, I still didn't respond trying not to laugh,

"Saimaa, talk to me please," He said; I still didn't respond; I heard him huff like a child, and then suddenly he moved so fast, I couldn't even comprehend his arms were on each side of me as he hovered over me, his face mere inches away.

"Morning" He said with a cheeky smile, I rolled my eyes 

"Good morning" I said trying to focus my eyes on his face and not his lips-

He wasn't doing a good job at it though as his eyes were on my lips the whole time, 

"Eyes up here, buddy," I said, lifting his chin; he rolled his eyes and plopped back onto the bed. He moved a bit down, so we were eye to eye.

"What's the plan for today" He asked,

"Not sure; check the itinerary Zara emailed you," I said. We both laughed; Zara was taking this so seriously it was adorable. He grabbed his phone from behind me and placed it in between our faces.

"Okay, it looks like we missed breakfast, the phone call, and we're about to miss the arrival of Raisa Apu," He said, putting his phone away.

"When do we have to leave?" I asked, snuggling closer; our room was so cold, I was wrapped in like three blankets, but I still felt frozen.

"Well we were supposed to leave for Fupi's house an hour ago" He said sheepishly

Great, I slowly started to get up, when I was pulled back down.

"5 more minutes" He said snuggling closer to me, his arms still wrapped around my waist and his face in my neck.

5 minutes turned into 10 which then turned into 2 hours late...


 "Haye, Beta why are you guys so late?" Asma Aunty asked as we walked into Mama behind her.

"Don't you miss your mother?" Mama asked hugging me so tightly,

"Of course" I said kissing her cheek,

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