No. 14

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The next morning, I woke up to the arms around me and subconsciously I knew to whom they belong. The arms, where I felt so secure and calm. He is so calm and protective, but my feelings for him are getting more than friends. And I know it's wrong, but I want to make the most of the time I am with him because once I am stepping out of his house than there is no coming back. Just then, he kissed my forehead, he is up.

"how are you feeling now?", he said and slowly turned to look at his green orbs, and smiled.

"more than good!", I said and hugged him gently, isn't it getting more. But he hugged me back, nahh it's good. We had breakfast, but I was feeling guilty, just because of me he skipped all his shows in Australia.

"Harry! So are you going to Australia?", I said looking at my food because I seem so embarrassing.

"well after seeing your condition I canceled my plans..... But... They are calling me and I think I got no other choice but to go!", he said and my heart sunk.

"emm... I am good now, and I don't want to be the reason for all your problems please you don't have to skip all these shows!",

"your health and safety is my first priority.... Why don't you get it? I hate seeing you like that.... What if I went to Australia and then who would be here to help you and look after you.... You literally worried me about yourself!", he said well kinda yelled at me.

" Harry! I know and I am so much great full of you for all this but...... But it will be a bad impact on your career, please.... OK you know what let it go. We don't have to fight when we already know you are going so why don't we enjoy the time we got!", I said changing the topic and he smiled at me, though I know deep down he is still mad at me.

At night we went to club, the first where we actually met well I didn't remember that, all of them told me. But this time I am happy when I am stepping into this club.
I wore jeans and sweater, yeah because Harry being a caring friend told me that I need to keep my body warm. I didn't want to drink, and so ended up with juice but all of them were bit tipsy by now. Oh so I am driving tonight!

And 3 hours later, I am entering the house with drunk Harry in my arms, blabbing whatever I don't understand.

"yeah! Yeah!! You told me that you need to take care of yourself now I knew why? Because you already planed getting wasted tonight huh?", I said as I dragged him with me to the couch and he layed on the couch on his stomach.

"you are cute..... Yes you are cute!", he said and I turned to see his smiling face, eyes closed and then hiccups started.


Then I dragged him to his bedroom because it was so cold in the living room, but the worst of all he is still mumbling something.

" Harry!! Just shut your mouth and sleep!", I said but did he stop, no man.

"where are you going?", he said in his drunk and seductive voice that definitely erupted all the goosebumps on my body.

"to my room!",
"sleep with me! Pretty",
"no just sleep, I am going!",

"I knew it!", he yelled still in drunk state,

"knew what?", I said confused, he is out of his mind.

"I knew that you don't like me! You want to get rid of me! I love you but you don't love me. Nobody loves me, I am good alone.!",

"what..... Ha.... Harry sleep... You.... You are drunk!", I said bewildered, I found my voice stuck in my throat. Is he serious or am I dreaming.

"noo! I am not drunk I am harry! And yes you hate me, I never regretted the kisses we share but you do, you always do and one day you will also leave me, everybody leaves me and when I die, no one will care!", he said and this time it broke my heart.

My vision got blurred but I still can see the emotions on his face, hurt! I ran to his arms on his bed and hugged him and cried and without wasting a second, I claimed his lips.

" silly! I never regretted those kisses and who the fuck head told you I don't love you, I love you Harry..... But this is the reality I have to go, I can't stay here forever.... You will get back with Camillae and I don't want to be a homewracker.", and kissed him back and he kissed me again, slowly the things got out of our control and one thing led to another, but before it would reach the stage where we both regret it.

I stood up and wore my shirt again but just then he started to snore. Really! Just a second ago you were like a horny guy and now like a sleeping horse.

I layed with him and wrapped my arms around him and sleep consumed us.
And the next morning when we woke up, Harry was more than confused that why is he not wearing his shirt mean why only in his pants, I regretted it badly, and the whole day he kept on asking me what happened and at last at the dinner table I told him, told him everything he said to me last night and even our confessions.

Firstly he looked embarrassed, but I was more than that, because I was sober and I confessed back but after coming to his senses he didn't even once said that and I wanted the ground to swallow me right then and there.

The whole night went by without saying a word to each other. He kept himself busy with packing his stuff and I, well I just keep regretting every word that left my mouth the other night, I ruined our friendship, and now it's at the level it can't be corrected. He is silent till now and he is leaving early morning, so it means I have to go somewhere now, and say goodbye to this place.

Just few days to shift my stuff to another apartment and bingo! I lost my friend well the person I love. Every time I think about it, I feel a knife pierced into my heart that's the kind of pain you feel when you have to leave, someone you love.


He is in the living room having breakfast while I am just fidgeting with my fingers. And when he went to the door to leave he turned around.

"goodbye and take care of yourself!",

"um...goodbye Harry, and you too take care of yourself.... I will be leaving your house too.... So I guess it's a goodbye!", I said and looked into his eyes, that contain no emotion.

"you are not going anywhere till I get back! I want you here in this house..... You are my friend and I don't want you to stay in places where no one is there for you.... So goodbye but I want you in here when I get back!", with that he shut the door and went. And I stayed frozen, if we can't even talk properly than how are we going to stay together????




LOVE YOU ALL. ❤️❤️❤️

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