It's 9 am and me and Hermione are on our way to perron 9 3/4. We've already said goodbye to my parents and my nerves are starting to build up.

On the perron we meet up with the Weasley family. You smile at them as greeting and one by one run into the wall.

I run as fast as I can and look around me. It's pretty, dark and filled with crowds of people. The hole Weasley family followes me througu the wall and we walk over to the train.

'Come sit with me Kayleigh'.

'Is that even a question?' I yank at her hair, not to hard but hard enough for it to sting.

I walk over to Harry and Ron with Hermione on my side. I give them a shake with my hand and then walk furthur to another coupon.

Since we are one of the last people who joined the train, almost every coupon is already full.

'We can sit here Mione, there is only one boy in here'. Hermione looks inside and pulls you away aggressively.

'That's freaking Malfoy!' She whispers shouts completely stressed out.

'Oh? Well where else do you wanna sit? On the ground? Everything is full.' I say while walking inside.

Malfoy looks at you in disgust but you just raise a challenging brow at him.

Hermione followes me nervously and sits down next to me. I totally ignore Malfoy his precense and start a conversation with Hermione.

'Haven't you learned staring is unpolite?' I eventuelly snap at Malfoy who raises his brow.

'So?, and who is trying to talk to me like that?' He asks smirking.

Hermione grabs my hand for her own comfort and watches the show a bit nervous.

'My name is Kayleigh Riddle. And you must be a Malfoy, aren't you?' I sneer at him.

'Hm, a Riddle..'

I relax and let my back rest on the backrest of the couch. I smirk a bit at him as he opens his mouth again.

'And what house are you in Riddle?'

'I don't know yet, I still need to be sorted. I just came joining fourth year'. I answer him.

He kept silence while locking our eye contact.

'Still staring huh?' I comment, tilting my head. He just smirks and looks away. Hermoine and I talked for hours, played games and ate snacks.

'Do you wanna go check up on Ron and Harry?' Hermione asks.

I shake my head in dismiss. 'But you can go if you want'. She shoots a warning look at Malfoy before standing up and leaving.

'So, Riddle. Now we're alone'

'Indeed Malfoy. So what are we gonna do?' I ask him a tint on innocence looming over my eyes.

'We?' Malfoy replies with an eyebrow raised.

'Don't look at me like that Malfoy, you now what I mean.' I tell him while chuckling.

He laughs. 'Ofcourse I know, what do you think of doing something bad. Smoking or drinking maybe?'

'Why are you looking at me like I'm going to refuse? Hand me over whatever you have..' You look up to him and he hands over a cigarette with an lighter.

'Your bluffing right?' He asks.

You put the cigarette on your lips and light it on. 'Open the window Malfoy'. I take a deep drag after he did what I told him to.

Love story (Draco x reader)Where stories live. Discover now