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Hey sweet readers, I don't know how more chapters you guys want but I don't have a lot of inspiration right now, so I'll try to make as much as possible but I don't know what you want. So please tell me.

By the way there is not smut in this chapter so yep idk.

Enjoy reading :)

The next day you already feel a lot better and happier. You've finally give in to missing your family and you've accepted it.

After classes you and Liz go to lunch and sit together, laughing and talking the whole time.

'I like seeing you happy y/n' she says giving you a little squeeze in your hand.

You nodd 'I like me being happy better too' and smile.

After you've finished your plate with food, what wasn't that much. You run to the Gryffindor table to greet Hermione and Liz follows.

'Hey Mione.. Do you wanna hang out today?' You ask, because you haven't talked or faced each other in a while.

'I'm sorry y/n, I want to but I can't. I'm going studying in the library' she says.

You shook your head. 'It's fine Mione, well do something another day' you stand up immediately and leave.

Not wanting to hear her apologize, because she probably do not even care.

You shove the thought of your head and try to think less negative.

Liz followed you and she helps you cheer up, after giving you a side hug.

You smile at her and hug her back. 'Let's do something with the boys' Liz suggests.

You nodd in agreement and walk over to the Slytherin common room.

You find Blaise and Draco sitting there on the couch.

'Hey handsomes' you say ploffing in between them. They laugh and Liz sits on the table on the opposite side of us.

'Lets go to the Black Lake?' You suggest. Everyone nodd and stand up.

You walk with the four of you outside over to the Black lake. Its kind of warm and the sun begins to shine a bit. Although it's autumn the sun shines the brightest around 2 and 3 o'clock.

After a short walk, you arrived at the Lake, 'you seem happy' Draco smiles.

'I am Draco' you nodd and sit on the grass to feel the water. 'It's warm, we can swim. Class is over' you say looking up at them.

The boys nodd but Liz protest. 'In underwear?'

'No naked' you smirk. Liz blushes and shook her head. 'No of course in underwear. Don't be ashamed it's only us three' you comfort her. She nodds unsure and sit down next to you.

'But first something else. Y/n'. Draco pulls his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. He hands you one down and you place it on your lips.

He sits down next to you and lightens your cigarette. You inhale and then forget Blaise and Liz are here too.

You look at Liz her shocked head and almost choke from laughing. 'Take a puff' you suggest and hands down your to Liz.

'Um, I never smoked..' Liz says. Kind of protesting but still taking on the cigarette. 'The worst thing that can happen is that you cough'.

Liz nodds and inhale. Everyone looks at her and when she blows out she smiles. 'Well, that went good' she says and takes another puff.

You share your sigaret with Liz and Draco with Blaise.

You remain silence and enjoy the peaceful view.

'Now let's go' you stand up and take off your shirt immediately. Draco stares your body down and does the same.

Blaise and Liz are looking at the two of you like they see ratts, but join in. Taking of their clothes and shoes.

You jump in the water the first and not late after, Draco.

You watch Draco his body and then see Blaise and Liz jumping in. They splash and water overwhelms your face. You laugh and swim towards Liz.

To make her more comfortable you whisper in her ear 'you look great, don't be so insecure'.

She smiles and swim to Blaise as you swim to Draco. You hump on his back and you both zinc underwater. When you both go up you laugh and gasp.

Draco turns around and faces you now, wrapping your legs around his waist. You smile and see Liz and Blaise uncomfortable.

'Guys stop being so ridiculous' Draco yells at them. You laugh 'yes, Liz has a girlfriend so you don't have a chance. Stop being uncomfortable touching each other'.

Blaise laughs and pulls Liz close to him. 'Well if you don't mind I won't be as touchable as you two are' pointing at you and Draco.

Draco laughs 'why not maybe it could be foursome' he smirks.

You laugh and kiss Draco on his mouth, stopping him from talking. 'Don't be ridiculous Draco'.

Liz also becomes more comfortable now and also wraps her legs around Blaise his waist.

She sees Blaise a bit in shock but with a smirk, when she suddenly feels him having a boner.

She blushes and leans into him 'stop that' Liz whispers in his ear. 'I want to but it's not that easy' he says laughing awkwardly.

'What's going on over there' Draco begins and swims over to Liz. 'Nothing' Blaise answers quick. Liz nodds. 'Uhu, I don't believe it do you?'

'Nope I don't either, maybe he's just having a boner' you blurt out. Draco laughs at the impressions both faces make.

'That's definitely it' he says bursting out in a laugh.

You all laugh and play fight in the lake. Totally forgetting what kind of weird creatures are swimming beneath you.

You have the time of your life and feel for the first time really happy since Sunday.

You glare at your friends smiling and relise how much you love them.

You give them all a big hug and kiss Draco, slipping you tongue inside his mouth. Letting them wrestle you clance your body to his and he wraps his arms around you.

Exploring your body with his long fingers.

You shiver of pleasure and finally let go of the kiss, almost forgetting you weren't alone.

You laugh at the faces Liz and Blaise make and Draco does too.

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