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Well Idk what to say here but just have fun! :)

It's Tuesday and your on your way to class. You weren't scared to eat breakfast with others, you just didn't feel like opinions or whispering.

On your way to the classroom you meet Dumbledore. 'Y/n, come here! Follow me'. You do as he says while your friends look worried at you getting pulled away.

Dumbledore offers you a seat and you sit down as he begins. 'Now almost everyone knows your definitely not a Riddle we need a solution. Will we make your last name public?'

You nodd 'it seems that's the only option if I wanna stay at Hogwarts'.

He nodds and you may be excused to class. You see a free seat next to Hermione and sit down with reluctance.

'Why didn't you come to me? I could've give you vervain and wolvesbane' Hermione whispers.

You nodd 'I know, but I thought I could handle it. I haven't had trouble with full moons or with the urge to feed. Since..'

'I know, since your here. Maybe it's because of.' Hermione points with her eyes in Malfoys way.

'Because of Draco? No! It can be right?' You widen your eyes and see Hermione frown. 'I guess it can, but when I go to the library I'll search for you'.

You nodd as you continue following the lesson, while staring at Malfoy questioning if it's really him. That's helps your to underpress your urges.

After class you see Malfoy walk with Blaise on the hall and you pull his wrist, while leading him to the bathroom.

'What are you doing?' He ask, surprised but with a smirk.

'Not what you think' you pause and laugh. 'I just, Hermione thinks your my anker. Something that helps me to underpress my urge to kill.. I just wanted to say thank you if that true'. You say, a bit confused. Why did you even said that?

'Well, do you think I'm your anker?' He asks.

You nodd a bit as you stare at his wrist. 'You want a bite?' he asks smirking.

He rolls up the sleeves of his blouse and hold his hand up for you. 'Are you sure?'

He nodds and you feel your fangs grow and your veins become visible under your eyes. You grabs his wrist and bite it.

You suck hard and pushes Malfoy against a wall. He doesn't say anything but lays his hand over your head.

And comforts you as he pets you.

He moans a bit, not only from the bit pain he's having. Just only the thought your sucking his wrist.

You finish after half a minute and watch if he's okay. He smiles at you and kisses you.

'I'm proud of you babe' he whispers.

You lick your lips as you clean your face. Whipping all the blood of. 'You have a spot right there' Malfoy laughs.

While leaning in to lick it off your chin, whit still the blood on his tongue he French kisses you and you suck his tongue off.

'Thank you' you say relieved. He grabs your waist and walks with you over to the next lesson.

The two of you sit next to each other as you take a seat behind in the classroom. 'If your a vampire too, everything you feel is heightend right?' Malfoy asks with a smirk. You nodd 'Draco.. Don't do it! I'm warning you'. You protest but Malfoy ignores you, he slides his hand on your inner thigh and your up a centimeter every movement.

You gasp, holding your breath. Trying not to make a sound. He slips his hand in your sweatpants and underwear, where he sofly massages your clit.

'Hm, Draco, as tempting you are I ask you to sto-' you gasp loud as he sticks a finger in.

'Are you okay, miss?' Snape asks and the whole class looks at you. You blush and feel Malfoy his fingers still moving inside you.

You nodd as reply scared to open your mouth. Snape continues his lesson and so does Malfoy. You grab the table and try not to cum.

When he suddenly curls up his finger and sticks one extra in you begin to breath heavily.

'Shh y/n, you don't want anyone to hear ya' he smirks as he places his hand on your mouth.

He go's on faster as he sees your legs begin to shake. He knows your about to cum and right when your ready to release he pulls out his fingers.

'Hm, Draco. I could've known. I'll get you payback' you grinn with your eyes glowing blue.

He smirks and you immediately slips inside his jeans. Avoiding his dick with your hand. 'Y/n, don't play with me' he gasps.

You smile and grab his length and move your hand up and down.

He gasps and hold his breath, you feel him getting hard right away. 'So hard, because of me? Awh' you say teasingly.

Malfoy doesn't reply and rolls his eyes to the back of his head. Your pull out your hand when you hear the bell ring loud.

'Y/n! What am I supposed to do now?!' He angerly whispers. 'I don't know, you'll figure it out. See you at lunch Draco!' You give him a blow kiss and wink at him as you pick up your bag and walk with the golden trio and Liz to the Great Hall.

You smirk as you left him behind. A quarter later you see Malfoy stumble in and you laugh.

He walks over to you, even though your sitting on the Gryffindor table. 'Y/n, you hungry?' You nodd and look at Hermione who's giving you a 'your doing great' look.

You walk with Malfoy over to the bathroom. As you immediately bit his wrist when you arrive.

'You thought I meant that kind of food?'

You till up your head and see him smirking. You lick your lips 'hm.. You want me to eat something else huh?'

He smirks and looks innocent at you 'maybe, yes. Because you left me with a boner in class'.

'As you wish pretty boy' you smirk. You let your hand slip in his pants as you stare him in the eyes.

Malfoy gasps and you bring up your hand and down.

He moans soft and you stare him in the eyes while kneeling for him.

Unbotton his jeans and pulling it of before your mouth find closure around it.

Malfoy grabs your hair in a ponytail and soft moves your mouth. 'Relax your throat..' he barely gets out.

You do as he says and he fucks your mouth. His length shoves in the back of your throat and you let him go on.

At the moment he comes your suck extra hard, and swallow his cum.
Malfoy helps you up as he puts his finger under your chin so you look him the eyes.

You lick your lips 'good girl' he says still out of breath. You lean in and suck his neck.

As you softly stick your fangs in his veins. You drain him from his blood for half a minute while also leaving bite marks.

He groans and you put a spell on him when your done feeding on his blood.

He holds your head with his strong hands and gives you a kiss.

He pulls his jeans up as you walk over to the mirror to fix your hair. He stands behind you and hugs you from behind.

'Hm, how'd that taste?'

You smirk 'it was good'. 'Yes? You should eat me more often then..' Malfoy says smirking.

You node 'I talked about the blood, pretty boy' as you move your index finger over your lips, to clean them from blood.

He smiles, 'sure..'

OKAY GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was omw to write this chapter and publish it when I saw 90 👁‍🗨!

Thank you so much for reading this!
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