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Hi! I'm stil shocked about how many people read this! So thank you! Also, there is gonna be a long scene with smutt so here's the warning.
Dont forget to send in suggestions for the story!
New chapter! :)

You walk with Malfoy out the bathroom and walk back to the Great Hall.

Most of the students are already leaving, but your friends still sit there and you walk over to them.

Hermione looks at you with a questioning look in her eyes, as response you whipe your mouth.

She laughs and shook her head.

'Hm, what kind of?' She asks when you sit next to her.

In the meantime Malfoy sat with Blaise and stared at you all the time.

'Maybe both..' you say slightly blushing but proud.

She hugs you 'you can controle?'

You nodd and slightly smile.

You sit and talk for a while waiting for the bell to ring. You only have one class, Hagrids.

You walk with Hermione and Liz over to Hagrid his house, it's a warm day and your happy your almost done with school for today.

You crochet your arms in Hermionies and laugh as you walk outside.

'Okay class, today we will be going to learn about the steel-grey-coloured Hippogriff. Buckbeak! Follow me please'. Hagrid begins to introduce his lesson.

You walk after him, just as the whole class does.
After his house you see the Hippogriff Buckbeak with a chain on his neck between the pumpkins.

'So who wanna pet him?' he asks. You raise your hand and slowly start walking forward.

He nodds and whispers to you 'just be careful and show you won't hurt him, it'll be fine'.

You smile and walk over to Buckbeak with one hand stretched out to him.

He sniffs and stands still letting you get closer to him. As you almost touch him he takes a step forward. Putting head underneath your hand.

Showing you that you can pet him. You smile and whisper 'Hm, your so sweet Buckbeak'. He makes a happy sound, I don't really know how to call it.

You smile at him and turn around, Hagrid begins to clap and the class follows.

Exept for Malfoy who looks at you teasingly, with a playful look in his eyes while leaning against a tree.

You stare him in his soul and your eyes glow blue as you smile slight.

The tension is a strong scent and the whole class could smell it. You leave Buckbeak with a small kiss on his nose.

While you give him a kiss you hear footsteps 'Hm, where's mine?' you hear from 3 meters behind you.

The class looks full tensions at you but you don't really care. 'Want one so bad pretty boy?'

He nodds 'yes..'

'Well come here then..' you answer him. You put on a big smirk as he walks with sparkling in his eyes at you.

'I'm here..' he binds his hands innocent on his back. Waiting for his kiss, daring you to do it in front of the class.

You lean over to him 'Hm, baby.. I can give you other things than just a kiss' you whisper in his ear. As you pull back you shape your mouth in a 'o' for and roll your eyes to the back of your head.

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