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Okay so I'm really sorry I got no more vacation stories. But I don't have more inspiration for in New Orleans.

And by the way, this is the shortest chapter I ever made but I wanted it to end in sleeping instead of doing the next day immediately after.

Time skip to school again.

Kai and Bonnie drops you and Draco off at Hogwarts in the Great Hall. The table you broke through earlier is made and so is the pilar you threw Kai against.

You laugh at the idea and give Bonnie a hug. 'I'm gonna miss you Bonnie' you say in her ear. 'I'm gonna miss you too y/n'.

You walk to Kai. 'I'm gonna miss you too Malachai' you say, teasing him with his name.

'I'm gonna mis him too ratt' he laughes and poures his fingers in you ribs.

You groan and he laughs. 'Kai'.. You say a bit out of breath. 'That's what I thought' Kai pulls you back into a hug.

'I'm gonna miss you too ratt' he whispers with a warm manly voice.

You feel so comfortable around family and Kai feels like that too. Your gonna miss him so much already and doubt yourself if you can live 3 months without seeing them.

'Don't cry baby, I know' he pulls you into a tighter hug and you let yourself completely go.

Letting yourself relax and your legs wobble a bit. Almost losing control over yourself.

'I love you y/n you can do this okay? I'll see you in 3 months' he whispers and pulls back out of the hug.

'I love you too Kai, till 3 months..' you say and he gives you a kiss on your cheek. Whipping the tear of with his own cheek so no one sees it.

You hug him one more time short and then they transport to New Orleans again.

Draco pulls you in a hug, 'you can cry with me' he comforts you. But you shook your head.

'No, I'm strong not weak and besides I will see them in three months again' you say looking away from him. Because you know he doesn't believe you.

He holds up his shoulders, 'sleep with me tonight?'

You nodd and the subject changes.

You walk with the back to your dorms. Your alone now, Draco is in his own room. A peaceful gust caresses your body and you shiver.

Trying to forget that you just said goodbye, the hardest goodbye was Kai.

You got a connection with him and you feel like it's broken when your not around him.

You sigh and swallow back your tears. Liz isn't here, probably with Daphne.

You pack out your clothes and organize them in your closet.

A hour later you walk to Draco his dorm but he isn't there anymore. You feel alone, but not in a bad way.

It's peaceful and you mind clears out. No more thoughts on your mind.

You go back to your dorm, dress out and without eating or brushing your teeth you lay in bed.

It's only 6 pm but you want to forget, you wanna leave this world for a while. Just with your thoughts.

You fall asleep quickly and then hear a door open.

You open a eye but only see a shadow.

'I thought you wanted to sleep with me tonight' you hear. It's Draco. His fvoice calms you and you lay on your back.

'Yes, but I felt asleep' you close your eyes again and you hear clothes fall on the ground.

Draco hopps in bed next to you, your ready to spoon him like always but he won't let you.

'I'll protect you y/n..' he says soft in your ear while wrapping his arms thought around you.

'I know' you say, probably not loud enough for Draco to hear. But he doesn't ask.

Your muscles relax and you feel really warm, loved.

You snob a bit but Draco doesn't move, he knows it's hard for you to cry.

He only tightens his arms closer and put his body more against yours.

You slowly let a tear fall, in almost silence and fall asleep after.

Love story (Draco x reader)Where stories live. Discover now