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Hello everyone who reads this! This also is a really long chapter and I also put a lot, like a lot of time into this.

Please comment and rate the chapters so I know you like it. I'm already on chapter 13, how crazy is that?!

Everything is going so fast and the amount of reads grow in minutes. So fast and I'm so grateful! So thank you!

The next morning

You wake up with the happiest feeling ever, school break begins today after school.

And 12 o'clock your leaving to New Orleans with your boyfriend to your family.

You feel Draco is still asleep and you watch him sleep for another 15 minutes.

You stand up and leave him sleeping but a strong hand grabs your wrist and pulls you back. That makes you fall back on the bed.

'You didn't consider to leave me without a kiss huh?' He asks with a pathetic smirk.

'Actually I didn't consider no, I already was planning on doing it' you reply with a smile and stand up again.

Draco smiles and let himself fall on his back again.

Staring at you while you pick a oversized shirt out of his closet.

'Have a nice view Draco? Stop staring it's embarrassing' you laugh.

'Hm, your my girlfriend I can watch, and touch' he smirks while standing up and snakes his arms around your waist.

'Hm, that's true. But not now pretty boy. I have to get ready' you reply and quickly put his shirt over your body.

You places your hands on his for a second and walk to your own dorm. Where you meet Liz.

'Hey y/n, slept with Draco?' she asks with a sleepy voice.

'Yeah, I did and you with Daphne?' You grin, waiting to see her blush a bit.

But for your disappointment she didn't blush 'yes I did' she replies with a smirk.

'Hm, you've learned from me' you laugh and so does she. 'Ofcourse I have'.

You open up your closet where your 5 favorite pair of shoes stand.

'Shall I wear my costume today? Draco wanted it'.

Liz laughs 'the first time in 2/3 weeks that you consider to wear a costume'. She pauses and you smile at her answer.

'Yeah, I'd do it' she adds. You nodd and grab your costume and robes. Putting it on and straighten in with your hands.

You don't really like skirts to be honest. But now theres not enough time to change your mind again.

'What do you think?' You asks, facing Liz again. 'I like it, but you don't look really confident in a skirt'.

You nodd 'I know, I'll work on that' you laugh.

Time skip to class

You walk with Liz and Hermione to the entrence of the classroom. Everyone is already there and you walk over to the empty seat next to Draco.

'Finally, Miss Mikaelson. You have your costume on for the first time'. Proffesor Slughorn yells through the classroom.

You nodd and straighten your back. 'It though i could do it ones' you answer back.

Draco's head immediately turns to you and glares your body off. You sit down next to him. 'Stop staring you idiot' you laugh.

'I can stare, you wore it just for me' he smirks. 'Hm, I already regret my decision'. You stare him in the eyes and he let his eyes stray to your body again.

Love story (Draco x reader)Where stories live. Discover now