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Okay waning everyone! This chapter is full of smutt and sexual tensions. If you like that please read and have fun!

It's saterday and 11:00 am when you wake up. You see your owl for the first time this week again. You let your window open for her so she can get back whenever she wants.

She sits on the window frame and you pet her. 'I still need a name for you' you say to her. Even tho she can't reply. 'Hm, Lechuza or Noctua?' You question yourself, 'Noctua! Yes Noctua!' You give Noctua a small soft kiss on her forehead.

You see Liz watching you and smile 'you like animals don't you?' You nodd and sit on the edge of her bed. 'And what about last night? Were where you?' You grinn.

'She asked me to the Yule Ball..'

'Nothing more?' You smirk. Liz shook her head blushing and you laugh.

You put on Malfoys shirt and shorts again, you walk on your socks to the Great Hall to eat breakfast. You look like shit, you haven't done your hair or showerd but you don't give a fuck.

In the Great Hall you find Hermione sitting on the Gryffindor table and you walk over. 'Hey I'm Cedric' a boy says approaching you. 'I'm y/n, are you a Gryffindor as well?'

Cedric shook his head 'I'm a Hufflepuff'. You nodd and offer him a seat next to you and Hermione.

You talk with Cedric for a while when you see Malfoy walk in the Great Hall, with a tired face. You smile small and look back at Cedric.

'It was really nice to meet you Cedric, I gotta go. I hope to see you again' you stand up and wave after he said goodbye too.

'She's always like that Cedric' Hermione laughs when she sees Cedric his face.

He nodds and stands up either.

'Hey, sleepyhead' you whisper while you hug Malfoy from behind.

'Hey.. I missed you'. You sit next to him and watch him eat. 'I missed you too' you say slow.

He smiles slight and takes you to his dorm after he eat his breakfast. 'What are we going to do today?' Malfoy asks while taking his shirt off and put on a nice outfit.

'We can go to Hogsmead?' you suggest while glaring his body of. Malfoy nodds with a smirk and you smile.

/Time skip to when they are going to Hogsmead/

'Ready?' Malfoy asks with a hot manly voice. You nodd and gasp when he grabs your waist.

He smirks and you place your hand on his back.

You walk over to a passage and walk through it. 'Well where do you wanna go? Cafeteria?'. You nodd and walk over with him to your favorite café.

You order a butterbear and slowly sip it up. Malfoy smirks when he sees you playing with you fingers on your bottle.

You raise an eyebrow 'someone's in the mood today' you laugh. 'Hm, you don't wanna know' he shows of even a bigger smirk.

You put your foot between his leg sofly but intense rubbing the inside of his thigh. He gasp and widens his legs while putting his hands on the table.

You smirk and go on, moving up a bit every second. You feel him getting hard and stops. He looks at you with an annoying look 'I should've known, you teasing bitch'.

You smile and stand up walking over to the bathroom. Malfoy follows immediately after and looks the doors behind you.

You now stand in a toilet with him when he slowly turns himself to you. 'No way back now, y/n'. You smile 'that's fine pretty boy'. He glares and you see his eyes sparkle.

He turns your back to the door and places his hands strangled with his fingers in yours next your head.

You let him dominate you and completely give in. You feel you knees getting weak and shake.

Malfoy leans over you gasping and kisses you. You open your mouth and he immediately takes his change to slip his tongue against yours.

You groan a bit and feel Malfoy smirk between the kiss you share. He still has his fingers strangled in yours and slowly losens up and let go.

He moves down slowly and grabs your waist with his big hands. You moan soft and let him go on. 'Draco'. 'Yes darling?' He smirks.

'I'm impatient, just go on'. He shooks his head 'maybe I need to teach you some'. You sigh being sexualy frustrated.

Malfoy slowly go's on taking of your shirt and shoving off your pants. You stand panting against the door and let your mouth rest in a 'o' shape. Trying not to make a sound.

Malfoy slowly begins licking your lower belly and plays with your string before pulling it of.

He kneads your waist and begins to make his way to your private area.

With his mouth still kissing you, he spreads your legs more with his hands and you groan while breathing heavily than before.

He slowly begin to make his way with his finger from your clit to your wet spot. 'Hm, so wet already?' He smirks.

You roll your eyes when you feel him spiraling around your vagina. You gasp when he finally sticks in slowly and begins to lick you clit. You moan loudly while Malfoy go's on faster vibrating with his tongue. And slowly curling up his finger inside of you.

You moan more and your knees become weaker, you shake and roll your eyes.

'Yes! Right there' you moan and Malfoy go's on moving his tongue and finger faster.

'I'm gonna.. -' he immediately sticks another finger inside you and deepens inside you. Roughly making your legs shake and let you cum on his fingers.

You yell his name multiple times and moan while trying to keep standing.

After you cum you pant heavily and Malfoy go's on a bit slower. You drip on him and when he pulls out his fingers are covered with your cum.

He stands up and looks in your eyes dominant. You moan soft and watch Malfoy put his wettend fingers in his mouth, sucking them of.

'Now, wasn't it time' he smirks. 'Hm..' you pause, 'it was..' you pant. He smiles and kisses you again.

You don't break the kiss and shove your hands under his shirt. Where you put your nails in his soft skin.

He slowly takes of his pants and underwear, while only breaking the kiss half a second.

He pulls your naked body against his and you feel his hard dick touching you.

You moan and Malfoy lays you down in the small toilet ground. You gasp of the coldness but moan even harder when he immediately sticks his long lenght in.

He moans 'fuck' and you tighten your tight. 'Hmm, your so pretty' he says sweating and panting loudly.

You kiss him and almost hit your g-spot. He sticks in deeper and harder and you moan. You let a tear drop because of enjoyment.

He smirks when he sees you cum for the second time. He moves harder and faster now and finish himself.

He moans loudly and you feel his cum glide inside you and moan soft.

He pants, pulls out and helps you up. He laughs when he sees your shaking legs and lift you so you can sit on his hips with your legs wrapped around him.

Okay so this chapter is already getting really long so I'll go on here in chapter 8! :)

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