L. little pieces (headcannons)

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Piper and Finn's family have been sworn enemies ever since their parents met in high school. They both got into dance with out the other's knowledge and Piper was so glad that Finn didn't go to her studio TNS. One year, he there and has been there ever since, but one kiss in the locker room changes how they feel about each other.
Finn always felt left out, either if it was his family, sister's or friends at school, it didn't matter what they did or do, he just always felt bad or left out. After years of begging his parents and being treated awfully, they finally allowed Finn to live his dream, which is to dance. They sent him to TNS, where he met the most beautiful girl he ever saw.
Piper got pregnant 3 years after the she got married with Finn, but unfortunately their baby died at a very young age. They had the cutest baby girl, she had Finn's big blue eyes, Piperrs beautiful brunet hair, and both of their beautiful smile. 
After telling each other they both like to fish, Piper and Finn would go on annual fishing trips each weekend. When they got together, for their one year anniversary, they took a road trip to a lake and went fishing for the day.
How would telling her older brother she's in a serious relation ship turn out? When Piper told James her and Finn are dating, Piper did not expect the reaction she got. James was happy, like, really happy for her. She thought it would be the opposite because he's over protective.
Christmas traditions are special to Finn and Piper, when their youngest was 8 they all went ice skating. Cole, the oldest, was 10 and Bella's the youngest so 8. The parents told their kids all the times before when they were little and when they went to the same ice rink 10 years later.
For some weird odd reason that she doesn't know of yet, but blames her self, Piper's parents got divorced and her dad left. She turned to her best friend for comfort. Finn helped her through the rough times, and showed her the most embarrassing thing he ever did as a kid. Which totally made Piper smile.
2020, what can you say? Piper was stressing that she was going to loss her not only dance skills, but her boyfriend if the whole world isn't allowed to leave their homes. Finn made sure they faced timed every day, and when they were on face time, talking, smiling and flirting with each other, they also practiced their dancing.
When Piper turned 18, she still wasn't allowed to have sleepovers with Finn, who is btw her boyfriend. So, by betraying her parents, Finn snuck threw the window each night and morning. One day though, he got caught and Piper got shouted at by non other then James, her big brother, or in her eyes, the big beast.
Dance Mania would of been great, only if Finn showed up in time but because of him, Piper was kicked of the show, had a massive panic attack that Amy helped with, and in her head, it was already over. James knew all of this since Emily got to him on the phone, he flew to where the team were, and when Finn arrived, everything didn't plan out okay.
⚠️tricker warning⚠️: April 15th, the day he met the love of his life, August 20th, he made the first move and asked her out, she said yes of course. September 12th, their wedding day. October 31st, Piper had enough of the world and commuted suicide. Since it was Halloween, Finn thought she pranked him with the letter she left, but when he didn't get any calls or messages back, heard her siblings fighting, he knew, she was gone. Every Halloween Piper would usually prank Finn, so that's why he didn't believe it.
Finn met all of Piper's family at a BBQ he was invited too. Since he already talked to James, about not breaking Piper's heart, he was in the clear from him, but, he wasn't with all of Piper's cousins.
For her birthday one year, Finn planned a massive surprise. His birthday that year, Piper got him a watch, and of course on his girlfriend's birthday, he losses that watch. So the day after her birthday, the couple got into a pretty big fight.
Finding out that her parents were forcing her and her siblings to move to the other side of the world, Piper told Finn and he hid her in his house. But since Piper and Finn's sisters are best friends, Hannah(Finn's older sister), told Leah, (Piper's older sister) that Finn was hiding her.
Piper goes to therapy. One day, she convinced Finn to not let her go to an appointment, some how, she got through to him. But that all backfired when Piper's older siblings found out that she never went to therapy that week.
His parents were starting to fight a lot. Finn's older sister came out to the family as being gay recently, Finn's dad was against it, and their mum was trying her best to do everything she could in her power to get through to their dad. Some nights would be really bad, and those nights, Finn would sneakout to Piper's and spend the night at hers.
This was new to her, having panic attacks in the middle of the night. Piper's used to having them just in the day. The first time she had one a night, she face timed Finn, seeing his face, hearing his voice calming her down, she got her breathing even with in half an hour. The second time, Finn was sleeping over for the fifth time, so she stayed as close to him as possible and just hugged him.
Snow was Finn's favorite thing in the winter, but Piper hated the cold. Because seeing her boyfriend so happy is so important to her, she lets Finn make her go outside to build snowman's and to make snow angles.
The days they don't have dance, the young pair would cuddle in Piper's bed and have Hotel Dystopia marathons. 
Failing exams would always make him cry and he wouldn't know why. When Finn turned 14, he was diagnosed with dyslexia. Finn didn't like taking Piper out on resultant dates, or anywhere he would have to read anything because if he had trouble reading something, he would break down. So Piper and Finn would cuddles, (also they might kiss now and then) an watch movies in either one of their bedrooms. One date though, Finn felt brave to tell Piper about his dyslexia. Ever since he told his girlfriend, Piper has been super help full. And he loves her for that.
Hello beautiful readers, sorry I haven't uploaded anything yet this week, the one shot I was working on before these head cannons, I'd lost motivation to write so yeh. Anyways, I hope you like these and sorry for the tricker warning in some. I might upload 'M' tomorrow night or early next week🤍✨

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