U. under the sunlight

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The school year just finished, meaning summer had just began! Piper and Finn had so many things planned for the summer holiday, Finn even suggested of Piper spending the week at his, and him spending a week at hers. She agreed, but it was really hard to convince their families. But they managed too, so this made the summer really exciting for the pair. And on top of that, Finn has his birthday mid July, and this was the third year the couple have been together, meaning it's their fourth year anniversary on June 20th. But last night, something terrible happened in Piper's family.
Piper was so excited for her summer plans, but a phone call to tell her to get home right away from Amy's house last night, broke her. She learnt that last night her Nona sadly passed away, she was having the best time at Amy's, but James called her saying he was picking her up in 30 minutes, changed her. When the two got home, Piper ran up to her room, ignoring her parents words, she slammed her door and got into bed. Her dog Oscar was already upstairs, so when he heard her come up, he went into her room to comfort her, as soon as she got under the covers, he was next to her. The brunette started petting Oscar, as the tears came, "Why do bad things always happen to me?" She said out loud,a question to her dog which she was generally looking for an answer.
She had dance the next day, she was messaging Finn for most of the night last night, but nothing about her Nona popped up. She didn't eat, she didn't come down to see her family at all. Finn picked her up,and on time. He sense something was wrong with his girlfriend, and when something's wrong with her, he knows not to be late. Finn and Piper walked hand in hand to the Next Step, Finn bought Piper's favorite flavor muffin, Chocolate and Blueberry. When the pair entered the locker room, Finn felt the hand he was holding slip away, he turned around to see that Piper had sat on the coach, looking quite upset. He sat next to her, hugging her from the side, her head resting on his shoulder, "Baby, what's wrong? Your usually so happy when I'm on time." Finn spoke, drawing circles on the back of his girlfriend's hands, "It's not that, I mean, I was happy and proud that you showed up on time today, but, it's - there's something else." Piper replied softly, a tear rolling down her face, which made Finn panic inside. The brunet looked into the blue eyes that belonged to the blonde's and said, "Do you remember my Nona? The one that always made the shortbread whenever she visited?" Finn nodded, slowly understanding where she was going with this, "Well, I was having a sleepover at Amy's last night, until James called saying he would be picking me up." Finn's really confused now, "Why would James pick you up if your at Amy's?" "Finn, my Nona died last night and I- I don't know how to handle it." Finn's heart broke, tears came fast, "Oh baby, baby it's okay, I'm here." Finn said softly, bringing his girlfriend gently onto his lap to comfort her with a hug, "But it's not okay, she was meant to be coming over this summer and stay with us." Finn hugged her tighter, more tears came. Piper lifted her head up from where it was on her boyfriend's shoulder, Finn immediately whipped her tears, "Finn, I don't think I can stay at rehearsal today." Piper said honestly, "And I'm sure Emily will understand baby, do you want me to talk to her about it?" Finn asked gently, "No-no it's okay, remember her sister is dating my brother, so she already knows." "Yeah but Pipes, wouldn't it be strange if she just saw you walk out?" Finn spoke, "Oh yeah, maybe yeah, can you speak to her then please? But not if Amy's around, I haven't told her why I ditched her last night yet. I think she thinks she's gonna hate me because I've left." Piper said honestly to her boyfriend, which he said, "Hey, she won't hate you okay? And if she does it's her loss. But promise me Pipes, she won't and doesn't hate you okay? No one does."
Finn told Emily about Piper's situation, completely forgetting that his girlfriend just told him that the studio head and the brunet dancer are kind of related no less then 10 minutes ago. Emily completely understood, and told him, "If she needs you to be there for her today, then do that. Don't worry about coming in, just be with her." Finn didn't need to hear that because he was going to ask if he could have today off anyhow. Grabbing Piper's hand in his gently, they walk back out of the studio, ignoring their team mates questions, and heading to Finn's car. "What do you think happened?" Henry asked Amy, "I don't know, last night when we were having a sleepover, she was happy, until her brother called her and then she shattered. I'm really worried actually." Amy spoke honestly to the team, "What do you mean shattered?" Lily asked, "As in as soon as she hang up the phone, she broke down."
The door opened, Deborah was confused,Piper wasn't coming home until at least 7 or 8, and the rest of the family are already here. The dog started barking like crazy, he always seems to know when Piper's home. She saw Finn's head come through first, "Finn?" She asked confused, she stood up from the coach, where she had been sitting for the past half an hour. Then she saw her daughter, "What happened, everything okay?" Piper went straight to her dog, he's always her comfort when Finn and her siblings aren't there. "She told me what happened and said she didn't feel like rehearsing because of it." Finn told Deborah, and then added, "Also, I'm so sorry for your loss." Deborah smiled sweetly at him, "Thank you sweetie, James and Leah have gone to get shawarmas for lunch, I'm gonna call them to bring Piper home one, do you want one?" She asked her daughter's boyfriend, "If it's okay, but I can pay." "Nonsense Finn, it's okay." Deborah then went to the kitchen Island to go on the phone. Finn sat down next to his girlfriend who's petting her dog, he starts petting him too. Piper looks up at him and says, "Thank you." "For what?" Finn asks, "For being here and not at rehearsals. I really need you there for me today and I hope-" Finn cuts her of by kissing her, they share a passionate kiss for a moment before Finn pulls away, "What have I told you before? Where ever you are, I'm there too. If you need me, I'm there, okay?" Deborah's heart smiles when she hears Finn talk like this, she never hears the couple's serious conversations, usually the goofy ones and tells them of for kissing when she sees it, but she thinks this is really sweet.
It's the day of the funeral, and everyone's getting ready. Piper's nearly almost ready, she's wearing a black dress, with a tiny golden belt around her waist, a golden necklace, the one that her Nona got for her when she turned 9. (she's 16)And her hair is in her normal style when it's down. She just finished her make up, it's not a lot because she doesn't really wear it often, the door bell goes and she knows it's either Finn or Riley. 'Wait, Riley slept over, it's Finn!' Piper thinks to her self. James and Piper are both allowed to bring their partner to the funeral, for comfort because they'll need it. "I'll get it!" She informs her family, making her way down, hearing Oscar barking. 'Why is the sound of doorbells get dogs really excited?' She picks Oscar up so he doesn't run out, and opens the door to see her boyfriend looking very handsome, so handsome in fact, she blushes. "Hey buba." Piper greets Finn, "Hey baby, how is everything?" Finn asks closing the door behind him, "Okay I guess.I mean, we're saying goodbye to the person who's secretly everyone's favorite in the family today, but, i don't know." The brunet says honestly, "Come here-" Finn comforts his girlfriend with a tight hug and says, "Even though your Nona is no longer here Pipes, she'll always be here in spirit." Piper smiles against Finn's chest, and then pulls away with a fake outrage, "Why would you mention spirits, you know I'm afraid of ghosts!" Piper says laughing, "You know I didn't mean to sca-" The sound of something breaking interrupted Finn, Piper jumps and turns around to see that the ashes they were bringing to the funeral broke, and Oscar sitting on the table looking really guilty. "No!" She screams, "Off! You know your not supposed to be on the table! Bad dog, look what happened!" Piper yelled telling Oscar off, she's not had to do that before. She kneels down in front of the broken bowl, her dog goes and comforts her but she doesn't want his comfort right now, "No Oscar! You did something bad! Go!" She cries, she hears the dog whimper but goes to his bed that's next to the basement door. Finn kneels next to the brunet and hugs her from the side, "What happened down here?" Austin, the kids dad and Deborah's wife asked, "Dad, I swear it was Oscar and not me!" Piper exclaims standing up, "You know how important today was Piper!" He yells, going to clean up the mess. "But I just told you it wasn't me-" "Oh stop blaming it on the dog!" Austin interrupts, "What's going on?" James and Leah ask at the same time running down the stairs, eyes widening as they see the broken vase. "Piper, how did this happen?" Leah asks, "Finn and I were talking and we heard a smash, and we turned around to se Oscar on the table and -and." She couldn't finish her sentence, Leah hugs her gently, "Anyone gonna help me clean this up? Thanks to your sister, we can't bring this with us!" "Wait it was you who broke it? I thought you said Oscar did?" Leah asked pulling away from the embrace she was just in, "It was him I swear! Even Finn knows I didn't! I promise I didn't break it!" She screams, "No!Enough!" Piper's dad shouts at her, "I'm gonna drive Finn home and your gonna think about what you just did!" "What, no you can't!" Piper fights back, Finn then decides to speak, "Sir I can promise you that Piper didn't break it, as you said she knows how important today is." Austin sighs, "Get the keys." He says to James, he nods and mouths 'I'm sorry' so his sister, "Dad you can't drive Finn home! I need him today!" "Well you should of thought about that before damaging the last thing we have to remember your grandma by!" Finn didn't like being stuck in the middle of this, it he wants to be with Piper. Suddenly, Deborah comes down the stairs, already to go but she can't believe the scene that's happening. "What-" Piper interrupted her mother, "Stop asking what happened, for god shake, it wasn't me! Just leave me alone!" Piper screams running up to her room, with Finn following, but he gets stopped, "If you want to continue to date my daughter then I suggest you don't go up there." Finn ignored him, knowing that it will all be sorted, in how ever time.
In her room, Piper was sobbing as she threw her things of her desk, sitting on her desk swivel chair, head in hands. Finn's enters, he sees the mess immediately, Piper looks at him, she runs into his arms and hugs him tight. "I'm here baby, I'm here." The cries became harder and harder, louder and louder.
As the crying stopped, Piper felt something soft, Finn moved her onto her bed as she broke down. He's laying down next to his girlfriend, as she cuddled him tight, head on his chest. "Finn?" Piper questioned, looking around to see if she can find her boyfriend, he sits up slowly and carefully, "I'm here, I'm here." He says grabbing her hands gently to hold in his. "Finn, I don't know how to convince my dad, I just don't know!" "Shh, shh baby." When Finn finished talking, there's a knock, "No, don't let them in!" Piper exclaims, but that goes unheard by whoever's outside her so- her dad? "Piper-" His daughter moves closer to Finn, 'is she afraid of my now?'  Austin questions in his head, he gets the chair and sits down, every move he made closer to the double bed, every move Piper made closer to Finn - confirming her sacredness. "Piper -" "Guys, it's time to go. You can settle this late." James interrupts coming through the door, Piper leaps from her spot and goes down. In her, she is afraid of her dad now because like her, he's never told anyone off like that before. Once down stairs, Deborah speaks, "Do you wanna borrow my black heals Pipesqueek?" "Okay, thank you mama." Only Piper's allowed to call her mother 'mama.'
The funeral was beautiful, tears came from everyone, Piper the most. Her relationship with her dad was fixed, but only weeks later. Finn was allowed to continue to date Piper, he never told her there was a possibility of them breaking up, which was for the past. Now, Finn and Piper are continuing their summer plans and are on the first night of many, sleepovers together!
23119 words - dang!
Why am I suddenly writing a lot in one one shot! Lol, hope everyone is okay, and had a good first week/day back at school! Ily🥰

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