M. missing you

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A/N:  In this, Piper is 16 and Finn is 17.
warning, some bad language and maybe some mature scenes described
Piper's been missing Finn more then she thought she would. Finn's been away in Spain, Spanish is the one class he had to go and visit Spain to pass the class. And he's been gone for almost three months. Piper thinks Finn's coming home next week, but actually,he's coming home tomorrow.
Finn always loves surprising his girlfriend, and he thinks that this will be the best one yet.
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Lily and Kingston have the nationals duet, only because Finn wasn't at the studio the day of the auditions. So because of that, he convinced Piper to go for the solo, and some how, he actually got through to her and she's doing the solo. James, Emily and her family are so proud of her, but, are still keeping an eye on her because she's at some breaking points due to her anxiety this year.
"That wasn't high enough!" Obviously, Eldon's in, he's going through Lily and Kingston's duet in studio A. Everyone is watching them rehears. Hope he isn't going through my solo Piper thinks to herself. About 20 minutes later, Emily calls Piper up to practice her solo.
The music starts playing, Piper dances beautifully like always, she's dancing to 'parallel world', the only dance she likes dancing without Finn, because it's about him.
Half way through her dance, a tall figure comes through the door and is immediately taken back with his girlfriend's solo. His suitcase is in one hand because he didn't want to go home, he wanted to go to his studio first. The song slows and Piper ends in her finished position, by now, mainly everyone knows Finn has returned, he gave them eyes not to make Piper know until she's finished dancing. Everyone claps because the solo is truly amazing.
"You okay?" Amy asks her best friend, Piper looks destroyed, but ofcourse, who wouldn't when their boyfriend or girlfriend has been gone for so long. "Yeah, I just miss him." Piper replies sadly, then, a voice from around the office comes to her surprise, "we'll you no longer have to miss me!" Piper turns her head, "Finn?" "Hey" she then runs up to him and jumps up, making her legs wrap around his waist, her arms automatically going around his waist. Piper rest her forehead on his shoulder, the jump made Finn take a few steps back, he starts to play with her hair, "Hey baby! I missed you so so much, you have no idea." Finn said softly. Piper slowly pulled her head up to look at her boyfriend, she put her head against his, they both smiled, "I missed you more, seriously, ask the team, I wouldn't shut up about you." Finn chuckled at that, "You wouldn't shut up about me?" Finn smirked. "No."  Finn then whispered, only audible to Piper so the team wouldn't tease, "Oh I'll shut you - " Missing his lips on hers for too long now, she crashed her lips onto his, one of her hands disappearing into the curls of his blond hair. The pair kissed passionately forgetting their team mates are watching, giving them not improved looks. A little moan came from Piper and that's when the team decided that that was enough. The young couple pulled back slightly  breathless when they heard the other dancers groan. Finn said hi to his bros, and caught up on the choreography.
"Have you seen your family yet?" Piper asked Finn when they sat down on the couch in The Next Steep. Finn took his girlfriend's hands gently into his lap, drawing shapes on the back of her hand explaining,  "Nah, I only wanted to see you, but they said I had to see them at some point so they agreed that I could come here first to see you." Piper smiled, and then Finn got excited all of a sudden, "Oh and also, they said you can sleepover. Only if it's okay with your parents, tonight babe!" "Wait seriously ?" Piper asked excitedly,  "Yeah! But only if you want to I do not, want to pressure you into doing anything you don't want to okay baby?" "Okay buba -" she started stroking  his cheek, "And also, why wouldn't I wanna sleepover yours, your my boyfriend and I love you." "I love you too, wait, what will James say?" Finn asks suddenly worrying, "Screw James, my parents will probs allow me because yours have, I'll sneak out when he's not looking or my parents will shout at him for being, over protective like always" Piper said dramatically using air quotes making Finn laugh. Oh how she missed her favorite sound.
"Hey omg Finn,I've missed you so much!" Hannah, Finn's older sister exclaimed loudly when hugging her younger brother, "I missed you too! All of you." He stated pulling out of the hug, he hugged his parents and then his little sister Maisie who's 14. His parents went straight to Piper, Finn rolled his eyes when he noticed this, "Finn, it's the first time your having a girl sleepover, of course their going to talk to Piper. They talked to Zoe when she first slept over." Hannah said referring to her girlfriend, "Fair enough." Finn replied with, "Hopefully they won't talk to my boyfriend when he first sleeps over." 'Shit, too much info!' Maisie thinks to her self, "Oh they will it's a - wait a second, did you just say you have a boyfriend?" Hannah asks, "What - no!" Maisie exclaims loudly, "Maise, don't lie to us!" Finn exclaimed. "Okay maybe but i don't want you two to go all crazy." Maisie said, Finn and Hannah looked at each other, "Well, Finn was crazy I told him when I had a girlfriend and I was crazy when he got a girlfriend so, do you wanna be left out?" Maisie rolled her eyes, but then felt her brother hugging her from behind and messing her hair up, "Finn seriously don't mess my hair up!" "Oh trust me it won't just be your hair I'll mess up if your boyfriend break your heart." "Jees Finn, just get of!" Maisie said loudly pushing her older brother away, Finn laughed and messed her up once again. He found his way back to Piper, wrapping his arms around her waist tightly and gently, "Hope my parents aren't boring you." "No their not, it was actually a very interesting conversation." Piper said, every time Piper comes over, either his sisters or parents tell her another embarrassing story. Finn let go of her waist and interlocked his hand with hers, his parents went to the living room, Piper let Finn drag her up stairs "Uh Finn, downstairs before dinner!" His dad called out to the couple, Finn threw his head back and groaned but agreed with his dad.
After dinner, Finn practically grabbed Piper's hand and dragged her up the stairs as fast as he could. Before he left for Spain, the young couple did... it a few times. But have never slept over one or the other's houses. Finn shut his door tight, Piper already on his bed, crossed legged. When Finn was a center meter away from his bed, Piper pulled him so he would fall on the bed. Finn mirrored Piper's position, taking her hands in his, and resting them in the middle of them. Drawing circles on the back of her hand. "So, did you have to sneak out when James wasn't looking?" Finn asked with a chuckle, "Yes, but failed, he saw me sneaking out but when he was gonna shout my mum told him where I was heading. So all is fine." "Good, because I wouldn't want to not do this." Finn states, placing one hand gently on Piper's checking, kissing her softly, pushing her down on the bed. He felt her hands tugging at his curls, about to take her top of, there was a nock at the door, "You gotta be kidding me!" Finn whispered shouted, he climbed of off his girlfriend to open the door, Piper got in a appropriate position. "What do you want Mais?" Finn asked his little sister annoyed with her, now Piper finally understood all the times James got mad at her for walking in his room the nights Riley stayed over. "Advice if that's okay?" Maisie responded, leaning against Finn's door, "In the morning? I'm getting tired." Piper some how hid her laughter, 'how did you just have the nerve the lie to your little sister?" Finn questions in his head, "But it's about my boyfriend, who you found out I had one a few hours ago!" Finn's little sister explained, "Ugh, fine come in!"
Half an hour of helping his youngest sister, him and Piper went straight back to... that.
A few weeks later, Finn got a message from one of his buddies name Zack, from his Spanish class.
Zack: Dude! Pack your bags! We're going back to Spain!
F: Wait what no!
Z: do you wanna pass?
F: I thought we did if we went the last time?
Z: True, and yes we did, but this time it's for the higher level, if we go this time, we won't be asked to do the Spanish exam that's in the winter.
F: I can't leave Pipes or my family or dance family again tho bro, it was way too hard last time.
Z: I know bro, but if you want to pass Spanish, you have to go again.
Finn went to Piper on his decision, not knowing that she was not only holding, but carrying a very big secret. Finn was about to refuse to go to Spain again but Piper convinced him.
Hands interlocked, she went with him to the airport, "Pipes, tell me now if you don't want me to go and I won't go up there to the plane. Pipes please!" Finn does not want to leave her again, he's tried so hard to convinced her to convince him to stay, but she's not convincing him. "Buba you have to go, am I gonna miss you again, 100% not being with you is the hardest days of my life, but if you don't pass this course because of me -"  "Hey-" he started, gently getting his index finger to lift her head up so she's looking at him, "This won't be your fault okay? Please believe me on that, I don't want to go, I don't want to leave you again." Piper's seeing Finn's eyes starting to water, 'tell him before he goes' , Piper remembers her therapist words. She pulls him aside, "Finn, what's going on we're going in -" "Shut up and give me five minutes!" Finn responded to Zack. "Pipes, baby what's going on? Your scaring me." 'Great, now I've scared him.' Piper thinks. "Finn, I beg you to not go on that plane. I know I said before to go but I need to tell you something and I want you to not go anyway where." "Hey, hey, hey, hey, I won't if you tell me not to. All you have to do is tell me to stay and I will." Finn's grip on Piper's hands became tighter in reassurance,  "I- I'm." Piper stutters, she has no idea how to tell him, but she wants him to stay more then anything so she has to tell him. "Finn I'm pregnant." Piper finally blurts out. Finn's eyes flickered from Piper's eyes to her stomach for a few moments before a smile grows on his face, and then it fades. "Baby we're too young, h-how long?" Finn's excited to become a dad, especially with Piper as the mum of his family, " I took a test like three weeks after staying at yours the first night you came back, and it was positive, buba I'm so sorry, if you want me to stop calling you by that tell me, and if you want to break up with me because of the baby I completely understand." "Piper, I would never, never ever, leave you because of something this beautiful -" Finn puts his hand on her stomach and a small smile grows on Piper's face, "Pipes, I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying right here with you and our baby okay?" Finn said softly, Piper nodded slowly before she felt Finn bring her in for her favorite thing, his hugs.
- 2063 words not including this -
Hello beautiful readers! This is my favorite story line I've thought of for my one shots so I hope you all enjoyed it, let me know in the comments if they're id anything I could make my writing better. I hope everyone is okay and safe💕🥰

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