Chapter One.

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Another successful mission, done and dusted. I was extremely happy about that, I was about to have my two days off.

I was making my way to the Captain's chambers, to make my report. I had to convince the head of my team to let me make the report.

It was to save him energy, I had said. He had an injury on his leg during the mission, although he was helped by a healer mage, he wasn't walking straight and as his subordinate, I had to help him out.

It wasn't that I wanted to see the Captain or his purple eyes again. No it was work, purely work.

Being a noble, I had a chance with the royal. In skill, I was really good in controlling my spatial magic, just like Langris-nii. He trained me himself, I was good at using it for both attack and defense. It was evident that I wasn't as strong as Langris or the Captain, either of them will pulverize me on the battlefield in seconds. But I was good enough, and my family name carried weight in the Clover Kingdom.

I was good enough for the Captain, and as a woman, I was beautiful dare I say so myself. My long brown hair, that reached my shoulders and the aquamarine eyes that I had. I had an extremely feminine body, I had a slender waist with wide hips and my breasts were also presentable, they weren't too small or too big, just perfect for my small stature.

I allowed all the stupid thoughts in my head to roam free as I reached the Captain's chamber. I knocked on his door, but nothing. The silver knob enticing me, I had no other option but to open the door. I walked into his office, and it was empty. It looked like it was empty.

But I heard noises, I wondered what it was, and I walked closer towards it. It sounded like something was shaking, maybe a bed or something. I was about to knock on the inner doors when I heard.

"Yes, Nozel right there." It was a woman's voice, and that was followed by throaty moans from the same person. Slamming my hand over my mouth to stifle my screams, I ran out of his chambers making sure I shut the door quietly, I wouldn't want to be caught sneaking into the Captain's room and finding him having sex with some other woman.

I felt dirty all over, I had been on that bed before. I had been in his arms before, I had him taste me before, he made love to me before. Not just once. But yet, he is doing the same exact thing with another woman. Did all of that mean nothing to him? Was I just another name on his list?

I stayed hidden, close enough to notice whenever she comes out, but far enough that my mana wouldn't be sensed. I waited for another ten minutes before I saw the door open. A pink-haired magic knight came out, she wasn't even from here, she had on a Crimson Red Lions robe.

I was disappointed, how could he pick a female from that squad? Most of the females weren't even all that classy, they were brute. I'm not being jealous that she was in his bed, no way. The House of Vaude is obviously more superior to whatever family she came from. I really thought Nozel had good taste in women.

Waiting a little bit, I decided to give it a try. Knocking a little louder this time.

"Come in." I heard his voice from the other side. It sounded a little husky, I guess the aftermath of sex. Right?

I opened the door and went in. I was face to face with this beautiful man, although he had his head buried in whatever he was reading. I knew that he knew I was the one.

"You're back from your mission already?" He asked. We were supposed to spend a week, but we ended up spending five days. He didn't want me to see that.

"We finished early. The son of Augustus Kira Clover has been delivered to his destination. They were some hitches, a few injuries here and there, but nothing serious." I informed him.

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