Chapter Five.

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Three days, it took us three days to finally complete that mission.

I still had that guilt from getting Sumo injured. He might be okay now and chatting with Zen but it's my fault he got hurt in the first place.

I needed to vent, at someone, or something. I felt something that I hadn't felt in a long time. Helpless.

I know I shouldn't feel so bad. After all, no one died and the goons were apprehended. I'd prefer it if I didn't have to deal with an injured subordinate.

I was heading to Sumo's room where he was recuperating. The wound, damaged him more than we thought. I paused when I noticed another presence in the room.

"I know this is coming a little late, but I'm sorry for getting you injured." Was that Yuno? Why was he apologizing? I didn't expect that.

"It's okay." Sumo said "I'm fine, I can move perfectly, but I have worry-warts all around me."

"One particular worry-wart. You mean." Zen said.

"I don't think you should be saying such things, she could be near." Yuno warned. How did he know it was me?

"Akira-senpai knows what she is." Zen said. "You know I think you should apologize to her Yuno, then we can probably train together. I'll forgive you when she forgives you."

"The way you say it, one would think you have something with Akira-senpai, Zen-kun." Sumo said, so he's back to teasing his best-friend. Thank goodness, he's getting better.

"Don't say such stupid things, it's not like I want her to like me or something."

"You sound like you do." Yuno said.

"I obviously don't sound like it, I -i would never want that, it's just- just sometimes she-"

"Stop making Zen uncomfortable." I said from the door sill. I was tired of this conversation in general. Zen liking me? Like that's possible.

"Akira-senpai." Zen said with relief all over his face. I know he looks up to me, what could be better than that?

"You know Sumo, it's rude to talk about someone when they're not there." I told him, and he looked like he pouted.

"Being cute does not fit you" Zen said to Sumo with a snicker.

"Of course it doesn't, that's a you thing" He laughed and looked at me for approval and I gave it to him

"That's right. You're a lot cuter than Sumo, Zen-kun" I said to him. I enjoyed talking with these fifteen year olds, they gave me the feeling of having younger ones. And I really enjoyed it.

"Solid-sama" I heard Sumo say as a smile rose to his lips. Did Solid eventually take out of his time to see Sumo? He said he would, but he was really busy and I felt like he wouldn't.

"How are you doing now kiddo?" Solid asked him as he stepped in. He placed his hand on my shoulder which caused me to jump in shock. I wasn't expecting that, and my face went red as the rest of them laughed at my reaction.

"Good, I feel like I can leave but the nurses don't want me to"

"If you say you're okay, then it means you are. I'll talk to those nurses, see if I could get you released."

"Solid" I said sternly and he looked at me "The injury was serious, it's not wise to just walk it over like its nothing simply because he says he's okay."

"He says he's fine, he looks fine to me. Doesn't that count for something?"

"Even if he isn't all that well, he'll lie to you, cause you're you." I all but yelled at him

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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