Chapter Four.

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During that period, the other two got a chance to run away. Leaving us with the singing woman. I had given her grimoire to Klaus for safe-keeping. She was confined and there was no way in hell that she'll be escaping anytime soon. That still didn't change some things.

Sumo was being healed by Mimosa and her plant magic.  And I was royally pissed off at this wind-magic user,  what was his name again? Dano? Yuri?  I don't care, he let my teammate get hurt.

"Hey you." I yelled at him, and he turned to me.

"What is it? "

"What isn't it?" I asked back "Sumo is injured because of you and you're not even sorry. Apologize."

"Not a chance."

"What did you just say?" I asked, I had to have heard wrong. Would it kill him to apologize for what he caused.

"It was all thanks to his lack of skill that he got injured." How dare he?

"Klaus, control your subordinate before I help you." I said to the blue-haired man who used that opportunity to push his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose.

"I will." Klaus said to me.  "Yuno, let's talk."

"Why are you so afraid of her?" The raven haired boy asked Klaus. This boy was pulling more than one of my temper strings.

"Its not fear, it's called respect. A term I assume you aren't familiar with." I told him.

"Akira-senpai, can I break his handsome face? " Zen asked me, and how badly I wanted to say yes. I shook my head, and walked to Sumo. He got injured all thanks to that idiot's wind. It was too fast, and I didn't make it in time. I failed to protect him.

"Akira-san" Mimosa's soft voice brought me back. "You'll get hurt if you keep squeezing your hand like that."

"I see." I said releasing my tightly balled fists.  Looking down at my palm,  I saw the marks my nails had engraved in my palm.

"He's sleeping." Mimosa told me "He'll be fine."

"Your plant magic has grown since I last saw you." I told her.

"And your mana reserves have doubled. I can feel your oppressive mana when you're angry." She noted.  I wasn't actually angry.

"I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to do anything for him. I'm his senior, I am to protect him."

"Akira-senpai, it wasn't your fault." Zen told me "If anything it was mine for charging in recklessly like that."

"I expected that from you." I told Zen "If that Golden Dawn boy didn't think he was such a big shot Sumo won't be like this."

"Yuno, was trying to help. I don't think he'd purposely hurt Sumo." Mimosa defended him,  of course she would. They're teammates after all.

"He should at least apologize for the harm he caused. Sumo is like this because of his stupid wind arrows. Peasants don't even care about others."

"Akira-senpai, that's not the point here." Zen said. "We both have to admit that Yuno actually uses cool magic."

"I'm not having this conversation with you." I said walking away from them. The first thing on my list was to find those two assholes that kidnapped those children. I'll most likely take my anger out on them, it's either that or I kill that damn four clover brat. Nobody will be happy about the latter. Especially not the Wizard King,  he seems to have taken a liking to that boy.

I was in an alley way in the early hours of the morning. I knew it was morning due to the position of the moon. A day had gone by,  and our little run-in with the kidnappers was for nought. It was wasted.

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