Chapter Three.

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My second day off was less eventful. All I did was pay a little visit to my parents. I didn't spend much time there. I get bored easily around them.

I trained in my family garden, while trying my best to not destroy any important thing or building. Either way, someone will end up fixing it. Someone always does, that's what peasants are here for anyways. They're at least good at cleaning up our messes.

Today, I hoped I'd get something to do. Hopefully the captain would address us, but the chances of that happening was one to a hundred.

He always seemed busy. I wasn't looking where I was going, and I ended up bumping into something.

"Ouch" I said rubbing my forehead.

"Gomen Akira-chan" The owner of the voice said, and my temporary anger was placated when I saw his cheeky smile.

"Solid-kun, it's okay." I said giving him a smile of my own. "Besides I was the one not looking."

"No, I was distracted." He explained.

"By what?" I teased. He murmured something that I didn't get. "What's that?" I asked with a closed eye smile.

"So pretty." He said. What's he talking about?

"What's pretty?" I asked him, and his face reddened. I've never seen Solid so red before. It was actually cute.


"Are you sure?"

"You're just playing with me, aren't you Akira-chan?"

"Guilty." I said laughing.

"Quit the idle chatter."

"Nozel onii-sama." Solid said, and Captain Nozel said nothing back. How rude.

"Akira I want you in my office now." He said and walked off.

"Later." I said to Solid and ran after the captain. I almost threw myself at Nozel's back when he just stopped, for no reason.

"I hear you'll be attending the ball as Solid's date. Is that true?"

"Whoever gave you that information had no right." I said "And what if it is true?"

"I don't care if it's true, as long as you don't slack off I could care less about your relationship. But once I notice a difference in your attitude to work, I'll have to forbid you from seeing him."

"Do you have the right to do that?" I asked.

"I can always find a way." He said, then just continued walking.

Does he think that I will forget my duties to the kingdom because of a relationship? I'm not that vain. I'll never abandon my responsibilities. Never.

I walked into his office, and was met with my team, but we weren't even complete. Only two of my team members and it was the two that ranked lower than me.

A curly haired blonde boy named Zen, that used stone magic and the red-head that used water magic. Why would he need just the three of us?

"Captain, you called." Zen said, just like his magic attribute, he was also strong headed: always talking before thinking.

"I'm aware of what I did." Nozel answered, and I couldn't help the small smile that played on my face. "You three are going on a joint mission with the Golden Dawn." Now that's interesting.

"It's a simple capture and rescue mission."

"If it's that simple why are we going with the Golden Dawn?" Zen asked, and the three of us just stared at him.

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