Chapter Two

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My day off started on a good note.  I had breakfast in peace, spent a few hours completing the book I was reading and cleaned my bedroom.

I decided to head out,  explore the city a little. I was walking around the noble realm for a while.  After purchasing a few glazed donuts, I could handle sugar but not food.  My taste buds were something else.

I looked around a little, there was really nothing special about the noble realm market. Just fancy stuff we already have at home,  there wasn't much to buy. Nothing interesting.

As much as I hate to admit it, the common realm had a black market that had implements and rare magic items. 

I activated my spatial magic and landed in the common realm. It wasn't strange to see a magic knight around these parts. Some patrol and others come to look around, enjoy the view.

I came to look around. I was starring at the wall that led to the black market. I waited for a few minutes, before I went in.

I looked around, the market for a while. I spotted a shop in there, it was run by a mage.

I walked towards her shop,  stopping in front of it,  I saw a beautiful golden orb,  it had purple lines running around it.

"What does this do?" I asked her. This female mage had pearly white eyes,  she looked lifeless, and her skin was pale. Was she one of the cursed people?  I hear that some people were cursed to look older, or ugly or something.

"It's a storage item. Used to store mana, and magic properties."

"I want it." I said.

"It's magic, it doesn't work like that.  It has to choose you." Choose me?  Where the hell did she come up with that? 

"How does it choose me? " I asked holding back my laughter, although I couldn't hold the smile that had broke out.

"Touch it." She said.

I held it in my palm, nothing happened. What a shame, it doesn't want me. I tried to drop it,  but I felt my magic jolt straight to it,  as it landed on the table.  I shrieked, that was scary.

"What just happened?" I asked her.

"It seems your magic has taken a liking to this orb." She said, picking up the orb admirimg it's new contents.  "Spatial magic, such powerful magic. How do you use it? "

"I was born with it,  using it comes naturally to me." I answered, and my attention drifted back to the orb. "How much for it?" I asked.

"How much are you willing to pay? " She asked me.

"I asked you a question, you have no right to answer with a question. Don't you have manners,  how dare you disrespect a noble?" I asked her.

"I'm older than your mother child, don't speak to me like that." She said, and it looked like her white pupils became whiter at that point, though I doubt that was possible. Her eyes scared me.

"You made me raise my voice. How much for it?"

"I don't give my magic items out for money,  child of Vaude." I wasn't shocked she knew who I was, our family was known in this kingdom for our spatial magic. "You'll have to do something for me?"

"What do you want?" I asked,  if it was something stupid, I'd rather leave the orb. I wasn't in the mood for this. It was my day off, and I meet a stubborn old woman.

"I'm not as old as you think." She said. How did she?  "I can tell what you are thinking by the look on your face. Your annoyed that I'm wasting your time."

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