When You're Supposed to Do a Scenario, but You Write a Short Story Instead...

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Hi! I was writing a scenario, but then I just had an idea for a short story... I wrote it for creative writing class today and everyone liked it so here you all go!

To be honest I was inspired from all the romance anime movies I've been watching but yeah here's the story, we only had fifteen minutes to right so there are some weird gaps...

I met a girl, she seemed to understand me. I don't know if you know this but I never really made many friends as a kid. It seemed like no one really knew what I was talking about. No one really listened to what I had to say. At least until I met her.

Yes her, as in a girl. I know what you're thinking. If I can't even get other boys to talk to me, how did I manage to land a girl? Well, it's a long story. There were no seats left on the bus when a girl about my age sat down next to me. She was about three inches shorter than me.

I remember she tried to make conversation with me. I didn't want to be rude so I just told her that no one wanted to talk to me ever. That's when she gave me that smile, a smile I will never forget. "Well," she said. "I'm someone that wants to talk to you..." What's your name? I asked. She responded by saying, "I don't have a name." "What do you mean?" I asked.

She turned red, "I-I'm not human." I shook my head in disbelief. "What do you mean you're not human?!" Just then the bus stopped and she quickly got up. "It was nice to meet you!" she said. I just sat there, no one else seemed to notice the girl. Why did no one else see her? 

The next day I found her at the same stop. She once again sat down next to me. This time I was more inviting during our conversation. "Hi!" she greeted. "What's up?" I responded. She was pretty, there was no denying that. Why would someone like her be interested in me? "I never got to catch your name yesterday!" She asked. "Same here." I said. "I told you already." she smiled, "I don't have a name..."

The bus came to my stop. I picked up my things and started to head out, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was her. "Hey! Don't leave me!" She grinned. I rolled my eyes, "Do you live around here?" She groaned, "I already told you, I'm not human!" "What are you talking about?" I said, thinking this was a joke. People started looking at me funny as we kept walking, I heard one of them whispering.

"Who's he talking to?" they asked. Were they just blind? Then she started talking, "I'm not human, I actually don't know how to explain this to you. But it's fine as long as you can see me!" she smiled again. A smile that made my day. After a while we started getting closer to each other. Everyday on the bus ride home she would always show up on the same stop and we'd talk about our day.

I kept earning weird looks from the passengers, the driver, and pedestrians as they saw two fourteen-year old's talking to each other like it was the strangest thing they'd ever seen. During our talks we learned what the other liked, what they disliked, but soon I realized it was just me talking to her and she would answer. Not once I would ask about her day, she was doing everything to make me feel better and for once I felt as though someone cared about me.

 Before I knew it I had caught feelings for her. I didn't know how to tell her so I asked for her phone number. She gave me the number, and every night I built up the courage to call it. But what would I say? Was there anything to say? Would I just make our relationship awkward? Would we stop being friends?

Night after night these thoughts went through my head. One night as I was running what I was gonna say in my head I accidentally hit the call button. It didn't even ring. "I'm sorry but the number you are trying to reach is unavailable." the automatic voice rang back at me. I sighed, maybe her phone was dead?

The next day I asked her if she wanted to hang out with me. That was when I would tell her. She then whispered something in my ear. "I'm sorry I can't hang out with you, I'm gonna be um, gone. But here," she handed me a piece of paper, "I want you to read this tonight." After that she got off her stop. I quickly rushed home so I could see what she wrote for me. I thought of what it could have been. But nothing really hit me as I walked through the door and ran upstairs to my room. I opened up the piece of paper, it was a letter.

Hey! I know you think I'm crazy when I say I'm not human, but the truth is I'm not! I died in an accident two years ago. You were my classmate in middle school and I always wanted to befriend you. 

You remember those people who wondered who you were talking to? That's because they can't see me. I'm apparently a ghost but I like to think of myself as a girl with a second chance. Those talks we had, the time we spent together, I cherished it all. And I know you tried to call my phone last night, that was when my time with you ran out. 

Every time we interact in a certain way, I use a little time in our time together. I'm sorry to just tell you this now. But here's three things I want you to remember. 

1. Be yourself, don't act like you have to change yourself so others will like you, if they don't like you for who you are then they need to change. 

2. Keep this letter, so you remember the girl you met on the bus.

 3. And most importantly...

I love you.

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