The Visit

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Maxon and I are taking care of a few things with the press. A guard comes to get Maxon and me because apparently someone is here to see us. Maxon and I walk down to the entrance of the palace. My arm is wrapped around his. It's Kenna and James. "Why are you here?" I ask bitterly. "We wanted to see you, " Kenna says. "You wanted to see me?! You haven't wanted to see me in a year! You abandoned me, Kenna!" I yell disgusted. "We are so sorry Ames but we thought you did something terribly wrong, " Kenna says. "I tried to explain nevertheless what kind of family leaves me when I need you!" I snap back. "I'm sorry America if I didn't want my life ruined because of your reckless decisions!" she yells. My face says it all. I'm furious. "Yet I'm sure you will have no problem using me if my life is better than yours!" I yell. I storm out of the room tears coming to my eyes.
Maxon's POV...
I know that hurt America. She storms away. "How dare you talk to your own sister like that, " I say shaking my head. I turn and run after America. I open the door to her room to find her sobbing on the floor. It breaks my heart to see her upset. I sit beside her. "America what do you wanna do?" I ask. "I-I am so angry with her but she is my sister, " she cries. "I want you to do what is going to make you happy." She takes a deep breath and wipes her tears. She stands up as do I. We walk back to where James and Kenna are. Kenna is crying. "I'm so sorry Ames, " Kenna sobs. America has a face of the stone. She purses her lips together. She opens her arms and smiles. Kenna runs and his America. Everyone smiles. America wipes Kenna's tears away. James waves someone over. May and Gerad come running in. They crash into America. The rebel alarm sounds. Guards are yelling.
America's POV...
There are gunshots fired. Guards come to quickly escort May, Gerad, James, Kenna, Astra, Maxon, and I to the safe room. I see a guard get shot. A guard that I know(sort of). I start running towards the door to where he is lying on the ground. Maxon is trying to stop me. "Maxon he's someone's husband and dad." His face is soft yet sad. May is crying. I run to the guard. I pick him up and run to the hospital wing. "Lady America please get to the safe room, " he says weakly. "No, Officer Wilson you are someone's husband and dad I'm not letting you die." "But-" "No." "Thank you, " he says. I place him on one of the safe room hospital beds and run back out. I'm ambushed by a group of rebels. I start fighting them until they are all passed out on the floor. My nose and lip are bleeding. I have a cut on my forehead and cuts on my arms. I pass out after knocking the last rebel in the group out.
Maxon's POV...
A guard comes running in with America in his arms. I rush to my feet. He sets her down on one of the beds. "What happened! Is she okay!" I ask. "She should be fine and she knocked out about a dozen or more rebels!" the guard says. "And she will be happy to know that she saved Officer Wilson's life today, " the guard continues. Not long after the attack is over America wakes up. We visit the very few staff/guards in the hospital wing. Officer Wilson thanks America so many times along with his family that came over (they live only but a few minutes away).

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment and vote it makes my day! Love y'all! Sorry, it took so long for an update I had writer's block. ☹️ But new chapter coming out very soon because my block is gone!

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