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America looks at me and finally answers my question. "No, " she says. Dang, that hurt. "America why not?" "Because Maxon you hurt me more than you can imagine! And now I don't want you to pity me just because I'm a 7! And guess what don't you dare pity me anymore because you are the real reason I'm a 7! The days I go hungry, the nights I sleep outside in an alley, when I get beaten by my employers, the people that hate me, the family I do have left me, and it's all because of you!" she yells tears coming to her eyes. "I knew the selection was a mistake before I even entered and I was right! A 5 is still better than a 7 if you haven't noticed!" she yells. On my gosh I didn't realize how much I've done to hurt her. "America I'm so sorry, " I say my voice breaking. I go to grab her hand to ask for forgiveness. She takes her hand away and runs. I run after her. She stops and turns around. "Maxon leave me alone! Don't you think you've done enough!" she yells. I stop and she keeps running. That hurt. All I want to do is hold her in my arms and take care of her and never let her go.
A few days later in America's POV...
I wake up in the morning in the alley. I must say I do kind of miss Maxon. I still love him sure but he's done so much by just doing one thing. He ruined my life here. I get to work finishing the house when two people come up to me. "Hahaha look at what we have here Mark. America Singer the former selected. Come on little lady you must have some money on you, " one guy says. "No I don't have anything, " I insist. They get closer. " I think you are lying my dear, " Mark says. "I am not your dear!" I yell and punch him in the face. I run.
Maxon's POV...
IS THAT AMERICA! DID SHE JUST PUNCH A GUY IN THE FACE?!!! I have a few guards with me. The two guys chase after her. One pulls out a gun. I yell at the guards to get them. The guards grab their weapons. The guy pulls the trigger and he shoots America. The guards get to them as I take off in a run to America. She's on the ground holding her arm. I kneel beside her. "America, " I whisper. I move her hand off of where she was shot. I rip the sleeve of her shirt off.
America's POV...
Maxon ripped the sleeve off of my shirt revealing my wound. He picks me up and runs towards the palace car. The men are gone. "America I am so so sorry. I wish I could redo that day but I can't. Just know that I love you." "Maxon, " I whisper as he sets me in the car. "Yes?" he asks. "I-I, " I start and then everything goes dark. I wake up to a terrible burning in my wound. I scream. Someone from the palace staff apologizes. Wait its Anne! I'm at the castle. "I have to finish cleaning your wound and then stitch it up Miss, " Anne says. Someone gently places a towel sort of in my mouth to muffle my screams. "Youll be okay Mer." Wait it's Aspen! I look at him. He looks pained for me. I see Maxon behind Anne. Someone climbs on top of me to keep me still. "Marlee!" I muffle through the towel. "Hey Ames! Now you gotta stop doing this. This is the second time I've had to do this!" she jokes. Anne tells everyone to get out of the room. I scream and scream some more. She finally finishes and Marlee gets off of me. I drift off to sleep. When I awake in the morning I see Maxon sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed that I'm on. "Maxon?" I whisper. He looks up from the floor and kneels beside me. "Hey how are you doing?" he asks. "My arm is sore but other than that I'm good, " I respond. "I'm sorry I brought you to the palace without your permission but I didn't know where else to go." " It's okay." "Thank you, Maxon." "For what?" "Saving me." "The world isn't the same without you in it America." I blush. Celeste peaks in the room and waves and smiles at me but then gestures to Maxon to go see her. He gets up and they go into the hall to talk. I can hear pretty much everything because they aren't whispering. "Well did you ask her to marry you yet?" she asks. "Well sort of before this happened, " he responds. "Well?" "She said no, " Maxon replies. "Why?" "Because I ruined her life by choosing you." "But you're also the same person that can make her life great again!" Celeste yells back. "First I'm not going to use her just to get out of this terrible situation! Second don't you think I know that! I regret that dang decision every second of my life." It gets quiet out there so I get up and walk out of the palace. I'm leaving this place for good. I'm leaving Maxon for good. America don't turn back. I make it halfway to the forest but then someone calls my name. I turn to see Maxon standing right outside of the palace doors. I turn back around. You don't need him America. Wait of course I do. I love him. I turn back around to see him walking back towards the palace doors. "MAXON!" I yell as I run as fast as I can towards him. He turns around a smile coming to his face. I jump into his arms when I reach him. His hands are on my legs to help hold me up and my legs are around his waist. I kiss him. He kisses me back. You can hear cheers-probably the staff. When we stop m forehead rest against his. He looks up into my eyes. "America what was that for?" he asks searching my eyes. "I love you too Maxon, " I whisper. He smiles. He kisses me. More cheers... "Are you staying?" he asks. "If you'll have me." "Of course but what made you change your mind?" "I was about to leave you when I had a choice to stay. Plus this is where I belong." "At the palace really?" "No dummy with you."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment and vote it makes my day very special! Love y'all!

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