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Allah ki rehmat ko yun thukrane wale khud ek din Unse reham ki bheek maangte hai

His mother's voice was playing in a loop ever since the phone call.

Shahveer was thankful to his Musa Bhai and Bakhtiyaar Bhai who were driving the cars because he wasn't in a state to do so.

Just as he had begun to think that he must apologize to his wife and child and that they could start anew, this happened. His Mama was right.

Allah doesn't like ungrateful people. Sometimes he tests you by giving what you asked for to teach you gratitude.
Sometimes he tests by taking away that which is dear to you to teach you patience and belief.

Shahveer has been through both.
First Allah gave him his Sadia and then he took her away.
Then he gave him Ibtihaaj and his child and now he is threatening to take them away as well.

" Allah! If they survive today, I would always be grateful to you. Never ask for anything else Allah..." Shahveer wept silent tears.
Maybe he was too late in realizing her worth.

Just this evening he was thinking that he doesn't love her and right now it feels like if someone takes his heart out of his body, takes his breaths away he would still survive if he has Ibtihaaj and his baby.

Take them away and he was a hollow man. He never knew he was capable of such cruelty with which he has treated his wife. But never again.

" Mama..."  Shahveer turned towards his mother who was rubbing his shoulder to soothe him down. His body was wrecking in violent sobs and she was concerned about him.

" Mama, you were right. Allah is punishing me for everything that I've done to them. He won't forgive me Mama" Shahveer hugged his mother and cried.

"Mama, Ibtihaaj would understand, right?
She would take me back, right?" Shahveer asked Faiqa and she was immediately reminded of her little boy Veer who always had a kind heart.

Life has been cruel to her baby boy.

It isn't easy losing a spouse and it isn't easy to give their place to someone else, no matter the time elapsed. If you could replace a person so easily maybe you never loved them enough. Maybe you're not capable of loving another person at all!

Her son Shahveer always has been a carefree soul who loved too fiercely. When he loves a person, he accepts them wholeheartedly and to think Sadia was his wife.

Sadia was supposed to be his soulmate and for a small period she was. He loved her with everything in his being but life played a cruel joke on him when his best friend, his soulmate, the love of his life was snatched away from him so soon.

It was expected of him to mourn his wife. Had he jumped onto another girl and declared his undying love for her just as he did for Sadia, then maybe he didn't love Sadia at all.

Shahveer has lamented on his life, the loss of his wife but in doing that he has hurt another heart. Of the girl who was wedded to him.

Maybe it was wrong to marry them off so soon. Maybe they weren't ready. But some things in life are not in our control, they just happen and all we can do is accept it graciously.

Shahveer's way of handling his pain was wrong but that doesn't erase the fact that he was paining. He's only human after all.

Faiqa caressed his hair and wiped his face of any remaining tears. She looked at him and saw a lot of herself in her younger son.

The same honey brown eyes and the same brown hair as her, her son was physically a carbon copy of herself. But he was his Daddy's boy at the end of the day.

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