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" Emma, tell me you feel it too. Tell me it is not a product of my imagination..."

" Lord James, it is Lady Emma for you as it is for the Court..."

" Don't you feel like your loins are on fire, like I'm the only one who could douse that flame?" James kissed her ardently.

James then tugged at her front laces that held the corset together and her breasts spilled free. He then took one in each hand and caressed them tenderly making Emma cry out in ecstasy.

" Oh James my love. I have been but empty without your touch. My womb aches for..."

" No Emma. He's fooling you! He said the same thing to Mary and they had a romp in the hay by the empty barn. Lord James is a Rake, Emma you silly girl! "

Ibtihaaj screamed at the foolish female lead of her Erotic History Novella, one that she was reading secretly lest her husband finds it. There would be no end to his teasing then.

Ibtihaaj was engrossed in the Victorian Romance when she felt a head make its way in her lap. Her hands as if by force of habit started caressing the long silky strands of hair and even scraping the scalp occasionally making its owner sigh in contentment.

She then felt lips on her belly and her baby's increased activity confirmed the presence of her husband.

" Why are you blushing?" Shahveer asked her suspiciously. He does this everyday and she doesn't react so fiercely.

Shahveer snatched the book from her hands and read it out aloud.

" Lord James emptied his seed inside the clenching womb of Lady Emma..." Shahveer was amused.

" Veer! Give it back" Ibtihaaj yelled at him horrified.

" Oh James! Take me. Take me again!"

Shahveer rushed to the other side of the room and read out in an effeminate voice.

This made the blush on her face even deeper and she rushed towards him. As fast as her pregnant body could run, more like waddle that is.

" Veer I'm warning you!" Ibtihaaj screamed at him again.

" Aah James! Fill me up with your essence, I'm dying for...Aaaah! Jameesss that felt so gooood!"

Shahveer was doubling over in laughter now but he still read the book out loud as it was the first leverage he has on his innocent wife!

Ibtihaaj couldn't run after him anymore and she sat down on the bed with an angry pout, tears almost spilling out of her blue pools. She knew this will work with her husband. It always does.

If there's one thing that Shahveer Hamdaani cannot bear, is his wife's tears or her being angry. Especially if the reason behind them is him.

" Baby I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you" Shahveer immediately sobered up and threw that book on the bed, taking his wife in his arms.

" You always do this. First you tease me and then you apologise" Ibtihaaj pouted at her grinning husband.

" Because it is so much fun to irritate you!"
Shahveer pinched her fluffy cheeks.

Ibtihaaj was a tiny elfin creature but pregnancy has done it's magic on her and now her husband cannot get enough of her curves.

" How was your day?" Ibtihaaj kissed his heart and asked him.

" Same old same old! " Shahveer laid her back on the pillows and then snuggled in her soft chest.

" Bakhtii Bhai is avenging all the pranks that I've ever played on him" Ibtihaaj combed back his hair.

Rooh-e-Hayaat روح حياةWhere stories live. Discover now