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... According to CDC guidelines, underweight women (BMI < 18.5) should gain 28-40 pounds during the course of pregnancy. Normal weight women (BMI 18.5-24.9) should gain 25-35 pounds...

Shahveer noted down the fact in his little black book. It was more of a leather bound black journal in which he is keeping notes of all things Ibtihaaj and his baby related.

The first page had a copy of the latest sonogram picture of his baby that he had managed to sneak from his wife's bag. It was but a grainy image of a foetus but Shahveer swore that he has never seen anything so beautiful in his life.

He had cried for the better part of an hour, just looking at his baby and loathing himself for all the injustice he had inflicted on his little love. But he decided then that he would do everything to make things right with his wife and child.

Right now he was reading a book on pregnancy and educating himself on all the things that he should be on a lookout for in his wife.

What To Expect When You Are Expecting!

Shahveer checked Ibtihaaj's medical records and wrote down her weight. She was borderline underweight. He needs to consult with her doctor and get her a proper diet chart!

Just as he was about to wrap everything up, his brothers started filing in his room.

He had called everyone for a family meeting!

As soon as his entire family barring his wife, was settled in his temporary bedroom ( he plans on going back to sharing a room with his wife) , he stood up and cleared his throat.

" I'd like to address this meeting by beginning with an apology..." Shahveer was nervous.

Right now he wasn't looking at HIS family but rather Ibtihaaj's Khaandaan.

Behroz and Zohaib snickered. Their ever so casual Veer Bhai was treating them as  business associates.

Ishq insaan se kya kya karwaata hai!

" I'm sorry. For everything. From treating Ibtihaaj so harshly to being cruel with my own child. I'm truly sorry" Shahveer was shame faced.

His Mama, Duaa Ammi and Chachi all gave him sympathetic looks. They knew what their baby boy has been through and how tough it was for him.

His Musa Bhai and Bakhtiyaar Bhai were also   empathic towards his plight. Zohaib and Behroz already knew his plan. They had helped form it!

The only ones not happy with his apology were his Baba, Rayyan Abbu and Qaan chachu. His Qiraat Bhabhi was disappointed with him and the worst case was his Hania Bhabhi.

She looked ready to murder him any moment now.

Shahveer gulped his fears because he knew that if he wants to win his wife back then he needed to pacify his family. Every single one of them. Especially Hania Bhabhi who was like a self appointed bodyguard for Ibtihaaj.

Sure Hania was intialy wary of Ibtihaaj but ever since she has realized her own mistake she has made it a point to safeguard her Little Doll's innocence.

" Sadia was my first wife and my first love. Getting over her death was very difficult for me as it was for all of you..." Shahveer choked back the tears that threatened to spill. His Dia still makes his heart tender.

Everyone had their own eyes moist as they remembered their beloved Sadia. She was an integral part of their existence!

" But she's gone and she wanted me to marry again and move on. Wanted all of us to move on..." He said wistfully. Everyone else was in agreement with him because that's what their Dia had insisted them on.

Rooh-e-Hayaat روح حياةWhere stories live. Discover now