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" Shahveer Hamdaani!" Ibtihaaj shouted at her husband.

" Jee Rooh-e-Shahveer?" Shahveer replied nervously.

"You better leave the room within the next five seconds!" She warned him.

" But I don't want to..." Shahveer stomped his feet like a petulant child.

" I don't care!" Ibtihaaj was losing her patience now.

" I'm counting" she threatened.

" Ibtihaaj. Rooh-e-Hayat!" Shahveer tried to hold her but she just slapped his hands away.

" Five " she began the countdown.

" Ibti " he tried again.

" Four " she wasn't listening.

" Baby " he took another approach.

" Three " she was this close now.

" Mere Bachon Ki Jannah" Oh he was sneaky!

" Two " that did earn him a stifled smile though.

" Rooh " he knew she melts when he calls her by this name.

" One " today was not his lucky day it seems.

" That's it! I'm calling Mama. Mamaaa"

The rest of her voice was swallowed by Shahveer as he took her lips in a passionate kiss.

Shahveer settled in between her legs and propped his body on his elbows so as not to put his entire weight on her delicate frame.

His lips urged her to respond and tongue seeked entrance to her tightly sealed mouth.
When she didn't relent he squeezed her full bosom, eliciting a moan from her.

He successfully invaded her mouth and let out a moan of his own as his wife tugged his hair at the height of her passion.

Shahveer slowed down the kiss and gave her light pecks to stabilize her senses. In the end he just kept their lips connected and unmoving, gazing at her with all the adoration he has for her.

Ibtihaaj caught her breath and playfully hit his chest, pushing him away. Shahveer just laughed at his Little Billo.

Who knew that the cute kitty is actually a fierce lioness!

" You can't always do this" Ibtihaaj scowled at her husband.

" Do what sweetheart?" Shahveer placed wet kisses on her throat and went down to her collar bone.

Ibtihaaj moaned but gained back her bearing.
She protested but in response he only pulled the sleeve down from her shoulder and lavished kisses there.

" This!" She moaned.

" What?" Shahveer was in a playful mood now.

" You can't always distract me with your kisses when I'm scolding you!" Ibtihaaj tried to sound stern.

" I can't?" He raised an eyebrow.

" You shouldn't?" She questioned nervously.

" I shouldn't?" He smirked now.

" Why?" He asked making her gulp.

" Because you're a good boy?" Ibtihaaj tried.

She went from stalking her prey to being preyed. Oh how the tables turn!

" Oh Baby I'm not! I'm the baddest boy ever" Shahveer laughed evilly sending goosebumps all over her body. The good kind.

Shahveer wrapped her legs around his waist, kissed her chin and made his way downwards from there. He licked her collar bone and descended towards a dangerous territory.

Rooh-e-Hayaat روح حياةWhere stories live. Discover now