"Edgy are you okay?..."

175 0 0

No ship
Hurt comfort
Plot: Edg has his off days. When he does he listens to MCR.
(Opposite muffin squad au and btw au is not mine the main story is on inst and their at is deltazc. You should check them out their au is underrated sorry if it's a little ooc)

3rd person
Edgy was sitting on his bed, with Oreo in his lap purring. He smiled slightly as he had his earphones in as MCR was playing. He was petting Oreo's fur. He sighed.


It was around four in the morning when Baddie couldn't sleep. He sighed as he sat up on his bed. It took him a few minutes before he got up and with to get a Coke.

With it being so early in the morning he had to be quite. It was a few minute walk from his room to the kitchen.

When he got his Coke he closed the door to the fridge and began to walk back to his room, Coke in hand.

He stopped in the middle of the hall when he heard faint crying. He would be worried if the crying was coming from Sunny's room but it wasn't. If Baddie was Sunny he would go and check on Edgy but he wasn't.

He didn't know why he just walked away and go back to his room. But he walked up to Edgy's room, where the crying was coming from, and softly opened it slightly.

Edgy was sitting on his bed in a ball. His head was on his knees crying as his earphones were in. Oreo was sleeping beside him.

Baddie cursed himself as his phone was in his room. He could of used this moment to blackmail him later or something.

"What the fuck do you want?..." Edgy's words made Baddie realize that he zoned out. He sighed knowing that there was no reason to keep a low profile anymore. He opened the door more as he lended against the door frame.

Edgy had one of his ears phones out. He was pissed that the other male had seen him in this state. He would of be fine if it was Sunny but Baddie wasn't Sunny.

"So the MCR finally got to your head?" Baddie slyly asked, as if this situation could get any more awkward. That made Edgy more pissed. He sighed as he rubbed his already red eyes as he did so new tears formed. The salty liquid ran down his face as he looked away from the other male.

Edgy's head hurt so did his chest as his breaths shortened. He just wanted the pain to stop.

Baddie looked and glanced at the Coke that was still in his hands. He then looked back up at Edgy. As if on instinct he moved to sit on the others bed. As he sat down the edge of the bed Edgy looked at him as tears fell from his eyes.

Edgy's hand where in a ball as if he was ready to punch the other male. Baddie sighed as he glanced at the other. Even though they weren't good friends he knew the other need a hug.

So without think he hugged the other. Edgy stiffened up as he quickly was pulled into a hug but hugged the other back as he began to sob quietly into the other's shoulder.

Even though it was awkward at first, and it still is awkward for them, they stayed like that until Edgy calmed down. Once he was calmed down they pulled away from the hug as they looked away from each other.

Baddie sighed as he went to get up off the bed. He glanced at the other male, "we don't talk about this." Baddie had his normal ton of voice. He started to walk away from Edgy, not waiting for a response, but stopped as he reached the doorway. "Also get some sleep like the rest of us" he said before leaving, closing Edgy's room door behind him.

Baddie knew it was going awkward for the both of them but he really didn't care. He sighed as he entered his room and he placed his Coke on his desk, after opening it and taking a drink, and played down on his bed.

He closed his eyes and going to sleep.

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