McDonald's date

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Plot: Sapnap and Skeppy go on a McDonald's date

3rd person
Sapnap was cuddling on the couch with Skeppy. Skep had his head on the taller's shoulder. They were at peace. Sap smiled.


The two where driving down a highway. They where coming back from visiting Bad and Dream.

Skeppy was looking out his window when he saw it. The bright yellow m sign. He let out a gasp which made Sap flinch and almost run off the road.

He looked at the tan boy as he pulled off the road. Skep looked excited as he looked at the taller boy. "Skep you shouldn't do-" but he was cut off. "Mcdonald's Sap! They have McDonald's!" The smaller exclaimed.

"Can we go!?" Skep asked excitedly. Sap knew that they had to eat because the only thing that they had to eat was breakfast and the was a few hours ago. He smiled before nodding.

Skep's face light up. "How far back was it?" Sap looked at the road before he pulled out and had taken the right steps to turn around. "It's not that far back."

Sap nodded it took a few minutes before they got to the McDonald's that the small tan boy had seen earlier. They pulled in and parked.

They got out and went inside. Skeppy ordered a happy meal and Sap ordered a ten McNuggets.

They sat down after they ordered. They waited a few minutes. They talked and took a few pics. When they got called Sap went up and got the food.

He went back and sat down in front of Skep. They ate and without Skep noticing Took a pic of him with a french fry in his mouth.

Even though this wasn't like another dates it still a date

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