Wife? -Maknae Line-

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Namjoon was playing with his toy plane, when, his friend Taehyung came up to him. He was angry. "what wrong Tae?" Taehyung sat down.

"Jimin and Jungkook say you they wife, and not mine" Taehyung crossed his legs and huffed. Namjoon blanked, nothing. He understood , nothing.

"Wife? What dat?" Namjoon put his plane down and crossed his legs. "A wife is...like your mommy! Your mommy is you daddy's wife."

"I they wife?" Taehyung nodded "I want you be my wife! I share my juice box with you, so you mine"Namjoon folded his arms " bit you share your candy with Hoseok"

"He took it! I no share wit him" Taehyung pouted, Namjoon giggled. "it otay, I be your wife" Taehyung hugged Namjoon. Jimin and Jungkook came over to them

"Leave my wife alone" Jimin told Taehyung, who turned to him "He my wife!" Taehyung plucked Jimin. Jimin winced in pain. "you mean! Go way" Jimin pushed Taehyung to the ground and hugged Namjoon.

Namjoon got out of Jimin's hug "Wh- you no want to be my wife?" Namjoon shook his head "If you and tae can't be nice to each other, than.. I kookie's wife!"

Taehyung gasped and Jimin glared at Taehyung. Jungkook smiled brightly and hugged Namjoon. He kissed Namjoon's cheek


And now it's 15 years later, Namjoon is 20 and his boyfriends are 21. Marriage is no where in their heads, all they can think about is how much they love each other.

Namjoon just remembered this, earlier in the day when Jimin called him wifey. "Remember when you guys all wanted me to be your wife?" Namjoon chuckled

"Jungkook got lucky that day" Taehyung rested his head on Namjoon's shoulder and hugged his waist. Jimin rolled his eyes at the memory

Jungkook didn't speak. "Jungkook?" The other three turned to the quiet boy "that.. Was the day I met you. I met Jimin first, and he told me that you were his wife, so then I told him you were mine, and them he told Taehyung"

Jungkook broke into quiet sobs, the rest of them ran over to hug Jungkook, "aww" Jimin cooed. "Guys" Taehyung said, everything went quiet

"Do you want to get married?"

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