Chapter 7

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Zayn's Pov:

After crying for hours and hours, I had finally fallen asleep on the bathroom floor.

I don't even remember how I got here, but I remembered exactly what had happened the night before.

Alan ordered his goons to abuse me, for no reason.

That wasn't even the worst part, the worst part was I hadn't even fought back.

It was like I had already given up, and in a way I had.

I didn't want Alan to have second thoughts, about adopting me so I would just stay quiet.

Even though the pain on my body, might never go away.

I would just fake a smile, nobody would really see what was going on, behind closed doors.

I still had on my outfit from last night, and there was dried blood all over it.

So I put that at the bottom of my hamper, and stared at my body in the mirror.

There was a huge noticeable bruise, as big as my arm on my chest, heading down to above my waistband of my joggers.

I wouldn't be able to hide this, unless I wore a hoodie.

So that's what I did.

Blue plain hoodie, joggers, and plain black Vans.

I didn't bother fixing my hair, who would care what I looked like anyways.

I Zayn Javadd Malik was worthless.

Luckily by the time I got downstairs, Alan was already gone.

I plugged my headphones in, and a very sad song started playing.

Which I could totally relate to by the way.

"Does anyone hear her when she cries?"

That lyric really hit me in the heart.

But no time to dwell on it, because the school was coming into view.

I almost ran to my locker, got my books out for the day, and headed to my first period, even though it was pretty early.

I had nowhere else to go.

I took my headphones out, and decided to just study the review.

The test was in a couple of days, and I needed to be ready.

I had only been studying for a couple minutes, when that was interrupted.

By none other than Harry Styles.

I didn't notice him at first, because I was submerged in my notes, but I did once Harry decided to scare the living shit out of me.

"Good morning Zayn!," Harry yells, making me jump, and causes my papers to scatter all over the floor.

I just stare down at the papers, and debate on just leaving them there.

But then I messily push them back into my binder, and stare up at Harry.

"Sorry I'm just jumpy today," I mumble apologetically.

"Oh something wrong?," Harry asks, concerned, taking his seat next to me.

"Nope nothing," I lie faking a smile.

Harry seemed to buy it, but didn't have a chance to respond, since the bell rings, and the teacher starts diving into the lesson.

I intently listen to her, and can pretty much avoid staring at Harry the whole lesson.

Which is good for me, because Harry makes me nervous.

I'm even more shy and tongue tied around him, than usual.

But he seems to care, so I don't know how to feel.

The teacher says to study our review, and notes for the last fifteen minutes, to be ready for the test.

So that's what I was doing, but Harry kept looking in my direction.

Luckily the bell rang, and I didn't have to see Harry again the whole day.

That is until I realized I had Gym today, and would have to see Harry since he was in Bio, with me.

I mentally face palmed myself, and walked in the direction of the gym, since it was my next class after lunch.

By the time I actually got there, guys were in the locker room chattering, and casually changing into their gym clothes.

So I did want any normal person would do, I hid in the bathroom stall, until they all left.

Then I started taking deep breaths.

I knew someone would see the bruises, so I stepped out hesitantly, and made sure nobody was there.

Then as quickly as I could I took off my hoodie, and joggers, throwing on my gym shirt and a pair of basketball shorts.

Phew, I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

That wasn't so bad.

I had done it so quickly, I'm sure nobody had seen me.

I walked off to the gym, still looking down at the ground shyly.

Nobody I knew was in my class so I waited patiently.

The teacher called order, and as soon as he did, Harry came rushing into the gym.

I forgot all about him, and avoided his gaze.

Luckily he had to sit in the bottom bleachers.

"Okay we will be doing basketball today so pair up," The teacher barks.

To my dismay, Harry comes running over to me, and grabs my shoulder gently.

"Want to be partners?," Harry asks eagerly.

How could I say no to him?

"Sure," I say shyly.

Harry grins, and passes me the basketball.

We play for a little bit, until the teacher tells us to go get changed.

Again I wait until everyone leaves, then I change in the stall.

Back in my hoodie, and joggers I almost feel normal.

But then I spot Harry coming towards me, and I know this can't be good.

"Can we talk?," Harry asks nervously.

All my paranoid brain could think was, he knows my secret.

Another chapter is up. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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