Chapter 11

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Zayn's Pov:

On my way home, I couldn't even piece together what had happened.

Harry liked me?

He couldn't I wouldn't let that happen, Harry was too kind and happy, to be with a messed up person such as myself.

I was running home, because I needed to try to outrun these feelings popping up.

Unfortunately that wasn't the case, and led me straight to hell.

I was on time though, so maybe it wouldn't be bad.

When I crept in, with my backpack on my shoulder, luckily Alan was passed out on the couch, with a whole six pack, and more around him.

Some on the floor, and several cans on the table.

Thank goodness, I needed a break from these beatings.

I was barely healed, from the beating with the belt the other day.

I should probably eat something, but I was too focused on making it to my room, to study for the test we were having in Bio tomorrow.

I needed to get a good grade, so I could feel validated in a way, as small as it may seem.

School was the only thing, I was semi decent at.

So I just had to do good tomorrow.

Maybe I could avoid another beating like tonight.

So I opened my books, and started going over the study guide, and reviews.

I had been studying a little bit each night, but tonight I was going hardcore.

Also, I needed a distraction from Harry.

Tomorrow was going to be awkward, that's for sure.

Since o had basically rejected him, but I didn't mean to do it.

I just didn't want Harry to get hurt.

I was damaged goods, as sad as that sounds.

But it's true, Harry wouldn't want to be with a pussy who didn't stop the abuse, happening everyday at his own house.

It was pathetic.

I kept studying until my eyes were getting blurry.

It was after midnight, and yawning I turned off my light, and fell into bed.

I fell asleep quickly, and didn't even pay attention to my dirty clothes covering my bed.

The next morning, when I woke up, my hair was a mess, and my clean sheets, were covered in dirt.

Oh shit.

Alan was going to kill me.

I threw off my dirty clothes into the hamper, and stuck the sheets under my clothes.

Then I dressed quickly in my black t shirt, zip up hoodie, skinny jeans, and vans.

It was a little chilly, and I would wear a heavier jacket if I had one.

Alan hadn't bought me stuff like that yet.

I hoped he would, because I was freezing.

I stuck my headphones in my ears, and walked the short walk to school.

I walked in shoved my books into my bag, and headed to first period.

Harry wasn't sitting in his seat, next to me yet, and it was worrying me a little.

Hopefully he was okay.

Or more likely avoiding me.

I totally deserved it, but it was better this way.

The teacher started the lesson soon after that, and Harry slid into his seat at that moment.

I avoided him, and he avoided me.

"Okay class books off your desks." "Time for our test," The teacher announces, and groans are heard throughout the room.

Not me though, I was totally prepared for this.

The teacher passes out the tests, and I quickly glance over the paper.

Easy as pie.

I write my name, and begin filling in the answers.

To my teachers surprise, I'm one of the first ones done with the test.

"Wow that was quick Mr. Malik," The teacher says, and I can't tell if I impressed her.

Either way I'm staring at the ground, and make my way back to my seat.

I pull out my unfinished math homework, and work on that quietly.

Not one of my stronger subjects, I'll admit.

But I still managed at least a C, if not higher sometimes.

It just depended, but I look over at Harry, and it looks like he's struggling, I wish I could help him.

Soon the bell rings, and I finished my math homework, though I'm not sure I got all the answers right.

So now off to second period.

The rest of the day was boring, I didn't have any interesting classes.

Class after boring class.

I didn't even have Gym today, because we were supposed to have health today.

But our teacher never showed, so it turned into a study hall instead.

I didn't really get any homework, in any of my classes, except Math.

Of course, my teacher was a dick.

Harry was sitting down in the front bleachers, to be away from me, I assumed.

So I buried myself in my homework, and plugged my headphones secretly into my ears.

Even though I'm pretty sure, the teacher could care less.

We had to do the even problems in the book, and they were very complicated.

Stupid Trig.

I struggled through one of the problems, until I noticed someone sitting next to me.

They tapped me on the shoulder, and I realized it was Harry.

I took one earphone out, and stared at him.

"Yes?," I ask nervously.

"Do you need help?," Harry asks smiling.

I wanted to say yes, but I was worried Harry was pissed at me.

"That would be great." "I'm sorry if I made you mad yesterday," I say shyly apologizing.

"Don't worry I'm not mad just confused," Harry chuckles.

He moves the book, so we can look at the problems together.

Harry explains each one, and is very patient with me.

"You are a lifesaver Harry," I say gratefully.

"No problem." "I'm actually really good at Math I'm in an advanced class," Harry explains.

Wow that was news to me, I'm lucky Harry had actually helped me then.

The bell rings, and I start gathering up my things, and walking away from Harry.

"Wait Zayn lets hang out," Harry says, running to keep up with me.

I didn't know what to say.

So instead my stupider self said yes.

So that's how we were headed to the coffee shop, with Harry skipping ahead of me.

Another chapter is up. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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