Chapter 38

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Harry's Pov:

I had barely moved out of my bed, the last couple of days.

I was too heartbroken, and wanted to just wallow in my pain.

Why had Zayn broken up with me?

I supported him through everything, and was understanding.

We were so good together, how could he just end it?

I knew we had only gone on a couple of dates, but I was very close to telling him I loved him.

Which meant a lot, because I had never been in love before.

I don't just go around telling everyone that.

The person had to be very special, for me to say it to.

What had I done wrong?

I didn't know, but I know my mom was very concerned about me.

So I was eventually going to have to, come out of my room sooner than later.

Even though I didn't want to.

Zayn was all I had, other than my mom.

Now I had nothing.

So I slowly took the covers off of my head, and waddled over to my bathroom.

Well first things first I needed to shower.

It had been a couple of days, and I smelled rank.

So I peeled off my clothes, and shoved them deep into the hamper.

Then I turned the water on not too hot, and stepped in.

The hot water relaxed me for awhile anyways.

Until I had to face reality again.

Which was Zayn had dumped me.

Damnit and I was so close to forgetting him, I doubted I would ever be able to.

Zayn was my everything, and my whole world.

So I slowly walked down the stairs, with my hair still wet.

My phone had my headphones plugged in, and I pulled my hoodie up, and walked out of the house.

I was going to take a walk, to hopefully clear my head.

It probably wouldn't help, but it was worth a shot.

As I was walking, I noticed a familiar figure walking in the distance.

It looked like Zayn, because they were limping slightly.

I would recognize that limp and black hair anywhere.

So I did something a little crazy, and slightly stalkerish I followed him.

If I got too close, I would hide behind something so I wouldn't be spotted.

I watched as Zayn went into the coffee shop, and I sat on the bench outside, pretending to be doing something on my phone.

But secretly I was watching him out of the corner of my eyes.

He looked so sad, and also warm at the same time.

I didn't know how to describe it.

After two cups or so, I lost track, Zayn paid, and got up and walked down the sidewalk towards where he lived.

Why was he going back there?

I couldn't put my finger on it, but something seemed off about what was his name again?

Oh that's right Alan.

He insulted Zayn, and didn't seem like the fatherly type.

Not to be judge mental, but that was my opinion.

So me being me, followed closely behind.

Just to make sure Zayn was safe, then I would go back home.

At least that's what I was telling myself.

I kept hiding behind plants, and trees.

Zayn never even knew I was following him.

So everything would be okay.

I would be gone, before he realized anyways.

If Zayn didn't want to be with me, I wasn't going to force him.

I wasn't like that.

So I stood a couple of feet away from the house, and for some reason Zayn was pacing back and forth.

I didn't know why he wasn't just going into the house.

That was kind of weird, but I wasn't about to interfere.

So finally after about rem minutes, I watch Zayn slowly open the door, and Alan says some kind of insult.

But I'm too far away to hear what he says, so I move closer.

Right by the window, was a good spot.

Zayn was looking extremely nervous.

Then I hear Alan screaming, and calling Zayn all kinds of slurs.

Faggot worthless, and that was just the start.

Then Alan slaps Zayn hard across the face, and splits his lip.

Zayn is speechless and just stands there.

Then Alan reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a gun.

"Please don't Alan," Zayn begs, dropping to his knees.

I was disgusted, but I couldn't let this happen.

So I did something stupid, I ran to the door, kicked it open, and ran over to Zayn.

"So here's that faggot you've been with?," Alan slurs walking over to us.

I don't say anything back, just stare back at him defiantly.

Then Alan points the gun directly at my temple, and I'm met with the barrel.

Zayn is in shock, and steps slowly away.

I won't cry, no matter what.

I had to save Zayn, even if that meant I had to die for it.

It would be worth it.

"Time to die." "Best day of my life to kill a faggot," Alan slurs, and drunkley starts to press his finger down on the trigger.

I close my eyes, and brace myself for the pain.

The gun goes off, but I don't feel any pain.

Zayn had jumped in front of me, and blood was pouring rapidly out his body.

"Zayn please stay with me!," I yell at him, and pull my phone out to call 911.

Then I hold Zayn, applying pressure to his wound, and sobbing.

My tears hit the floor, and I can't stop.

Zayn couldn't die, he just couldn't.

Not after all we had been through.

Another chapter is up. Sorry for the cliffhanger. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a great day.

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