Chapter 24

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Zayn's Pov:

I had no clue where I was.

All I knew was I was cold, and hungry.

Maybe this running away idea, wasn't such a good one.

I thought it made sense at the time, but now I wasn't so sure.

Harry was probably worried, Alan wasn't that's for sure.

I doubt he even knew I was at the hospital.

I should have prepared better, maybe stopped at home, and grabbed all my important stuff.

Like a heavier coat and my possessions.

But I couldn't risk it, Alan would have caught me.

I was outside of a diner of some sorts, I think I wasn't complete sure.

But everyone kept staring at me, like I was homeless or something.

Which I guess I was, kind of.

It's not like anybody cared about me so.

I just sat there, and kind of stared at the bright lights.

I was so stupid, not just dumb a stupid ass.

But I needed to keep going.

Keep trekking, until you can't see Alan or that little town anymore.

Walk a little further come on.

I had to keep encouraging myself, otherwise I would stop, and cave in, and go back.

There was a bridge up ahead, and I headed there.

I would rest there, and formulate a plan while I was at it.

It was a very beautiful bridge, and I sat on the edge looking down.

The water was below me, and jagged rocks lined the edges.

I took a deep breath, and just kept looking down.

I stood up, and stood there for a minute.

Thoughts started pouring into my head like fire, and I started crying like a waterfall.

"Maybe I should just end it." "What's the point?," I think to myself.

I take one step forward, and close my eyes.

I can feel people looking at me, but at the moment I didn't care worth a shit.

Then I start to fall forward, but unfortunately don't make it that far.

I open my eyes in surprise, and start trying to fight whoever it is.

"Zayn stop." "What the hell are you doing?," Harry asks angrily, pulling me far away from the edge.

"Let me go Harry," I say, fighting him, with the tears freely flowing down my cheeks.

"No Zayn stop," Harry says sternly.

It was pointless to fight him, so I just went limp in his arms.

I wanted to die, why couldn't Harry have just let me go?

I was worthless, and Harry didn't deserve a worthless piece of space.

He deserved someone better than me, I was just pointless, and a mistake.

I couldn't take much more of this shit, I was going to snap.

My emotions are all over the place, and I fall backward onto the bridge.

"I'm so confused," I mumble.

"About that?," Harry asks, also confused now.

"Why I'm living," I mumble quietly, and I'm not sure Harry even heard me.

"You makes everyone's life better." "Don't think negatively of yourself," Harry says hugging me, and I'm shocked to see he's crying.

"Harry please don't cry," I beg, feeling entirely responsible.

"I'm sorry." "You were about to end it all Zayn." "I need you you matter to me," Harry explains, giving me a huge hug.

"I'm sorry Harry." "I was thinking it was better if I wasn't here," I say, impatiently swiping at my tears.

I can't believe I had just said that aloud.

But it's true.

I lived a completely miserable life, all I had to look forward to was Harry.

He was the only brightness, in all of the darkness.

"You are worth everything Zayn," Harry smiles.

I was glad someone thought so, because I sure as hell didn't.

"Thanks," I say shyly, grabbing his hand.

Harry smiles a little, and I can't smile.

I don't even know what that is anymore.

I fake a smile all the time, and Harry is the only one who calls me out on my crap.

He knows how I actually am, and calls me out when I'm lying.

I'm glad he actually cares about me.

"Can we go home?," Harry asks hopefully.

"I guess," I mumble, and we walk arm in arm.

As we are walking, Harry gives me a quick peck on the cheek.

"What was that for?," I ask shyly, and of course start blushing.

"I'm glad I saved you," Harry grins, and also starts to blush.

We both walk back to town, and I take in the familiar coffee shop, and bookstore.

I take a deep breath, and know I will have to face Alan.

My rib still hurt like hell, but somehow I had put the pain out of my mind, for awhile anyways.

My house was getting closer, and closer, and by the time we got up to the walkway, I was sweaty, and as pale as a ghost.

"You going to be okay?," Harry asks anxiously.

"I'll be okay," I say, and I know I'm totally lying to both myself and Harry.

To reassure himself, Harry pulls me to him, and presses his lips gently to mine.

"That might help," Harry says smirking.

"Yeah maybe a little," I say shyly, and nervously walk away from Harry.

He waves, and I cheesily blow him a kiss.

Then I walk inside the house, and Alan greets me drunkly.

"Welcome faggot," Alan says slurring his words, and slopping beer all over the floor.

This should be a wonderful welcome home.

Another chapter is up. Thanks for reading. Keep reading. Vote and comment below. Have a good day

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