Car Crash

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"Just shut up Joe!" I shouted, throwing my hands up in the air. "Don't tell me to shut up, Y/N. You're the one being unreasonable and stupid."

"No you're the one that started this dumb fight in the first place. Just stop being an immature baby at least until we get to Zoe's. I can't handle it anymore."

Joe and I had gotten into an argument about the stupidest topic. I had told Joe that I couldn't go to Playlist Live with him because of my work and he just started shouting and calling me names. We had both forgotten that we were supposed to be visiting Zoe and Alfie today, so when they called us to remind us we were still fighting. At the moment we were about fifteen minutes away from their house and still shouting at each other.

"You give me such a headache sometimes." I mumbled under my breath.

"If you would stop being such a bloody idiot and listen to me then maybe we could talk it out and stop fighting before we get to my sister's house and make her think even lower of you."

"Even lower of me, Joe? What in the hell is that supposed to mean."

"Ugh!" Joe shouted and threw his hands in the air, taking his eyes off of the rode. "Would you please just shut your annoying mouth for three seconds, Y/N?"

I felt a pang of hurt and sadness wash through me, but it was all replaced by fear when I looked forward and saw a semi speeding towards us. Joe was still completely spaced out, not paying any attention to the rode.

"JOE!" I shrieked, pointing towards the truck. He quickly looked forward, but not fast enough.

The car sped into us, smashing my side of the car and throwing us off of the rode and down the highway. My screams filled the car as my head smacked against the front of the car.

We had finally come to a slow stop as we sit there, our car tipped on it's side. I had blood dripping from my face. My hands felt numb from all of the pain and everything was starting to become blurred.

"Love?" Joe asked in a raspy voice, looking up at me. I tried concentrating my vision on his face, but it kept on blurring to other parts of the car.

"Y/n, are you okay? Please say something." His voice sounded panicked and desperate as he searched for some sign of life from me.

I choked back the tears that were threatening to fall as I finally looked down at Joe and saw a large gap in his shirt with a large piece of glass stuck tightly into his hip.

His face was covered in smaller pieces off glass as blood shred down his face and up his arms. His shirt was torn and the airbag was blown out, covering part of his lap.

I could feel the tears streaming freely down my face as I looked at the broken boy in front of my eyes. His bleeding lip parted, trying to speak.

"Y/N thank God. I though you were dead." "It's okay, babe. I'm fine."

I started hiccuping, crying harder than my body could handle at the moment.

"It's okay, Y/N. It's going to be okay. I'm sure help is on it's way right now. Just don't cry, please babe. I can't handle seeing you cry." His voice was barely a whisper as he forced out the words, his words cracking from straining.

"Joe I love you so much. Please don't leave me. I'm so sorry this is all my fault."

His face contorted as he inhaled a sharp breath, breathing out shakily. There was pain written all over his face.

"No, Y/N. Don't blame yourself. This is all my fault and maybe if I weren't so stupid and over sensitive we would be visiting with Zoe and Alfie right now. But no, I had to overreact and get us into this whole bloody mess. I just need you to know how much I love you. I've loved you since I met you two years ago and I will never stop. No matter what happens-" He let out a pained cry, forcing himself to continue.

"I will always love you, Y/N."

"Joe- you don't need to act like that. We're going to be alright, remember? You said that we were going to be alright. I love you too, babe. Just hold on."

I felt myself slipping into darkness as the pain from my leg and head became too much to handle. The car, becoming unsteady, tipped back over onto it's right side.

I let out the loudest scream that I had ever mustered up as the car jerked back and forth, coming to a stop. The pain in my right leg had become unbearable, now with the car handle digging into it.

Sucking in a breath, I tried to steady my breathing, but the pain had become too much to handle. I looked over to see Joe had passed out, his head hanging loosely from the seat.

"No, NO!" I smacked the front of my seat as hard as I could, earning a sharp pain in my arm.

"NO! Joe look at me, say something. Do something please!" I begged, crying and begging.

"Help! Please! Somebody help."

My words became slurred as I finally gave into the weariness tugging at me. My fingertips seemed to slip from reality as I dreamed of Joe.

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