Car Crash Pt. 2

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"How long do you think it should be until she wakes up?"

"Hopefully, very soon. The more sleep she gets, though, the better. We know by all of the tests that we took that she will definitely wake up. Right now it's just a matter of when she wants to wake up."

"What about-"

"We're not sure. We've tried everything but, once again, it's a matter of how much he can take. Some patients are stronger than others, mentally and physically of course, and it just depends on how much Joe can endure and how bad he want to... wake up."

I fluttered my eyes open, trying to digest everything that I had just heard. A few days ago I read a book where a girl wakes up from a plane crash and explained it as 'waking up in a room full of white, blinded by the color'. I had never really been able to picture that feeling. The feeling of waking up from a traumatic event in a white room with wires coming out of almost every part of your body. That had always been a foreign idea... until now.

"Oh good!" The doctor clapped his hands together, a smile spread across his face. "You're awake!" Caspar ran towards me, gently wrapping his arms around me and giving me a slight hug. I smiled, hugging him back.

When I looked behind Caspar, I saw Tanya, Jim, Tyler and Finn. "Oh Y/N!" Tanya said, a smile breaking out on her face.

"We've all been worried sick. I thought that you hadn't made it." They all got up and walked over to me, giving me small hugs.

I wish I could enjoy seeing my best friends in the world together like this, but I couldn't get Joe off of my mind.

"It's not that I don't love seeing you guys, cuz' I do. It's just... where's Joe." My voice went into a barely audible whisper at the end as all of the memories of the car crash came flooding back.

Everyone fell dead silent. They all looked each other in the eyes, begging for help from someone. Finally, Finn spoke up.

"In room 304. He's in a coma. We- we're not sure if he'll wake up. The rest of them are in the room with him."

I felt a tight pain in my chest, making my vision blur a little bit with tears. I wasn't going to cry, not in front of everyone. I had to keep strong.

The beeping from one of the machines increased the more I thought of Joe. The doctor had left the room, giving us some space.

"Y/N. Calm down." Jim crouched by my bed, grabbing my hand gently. They all started to panic as the beeping got louder and quicker.

Tyler went out and called for a nurse as my breathing rapidly escalated.

What if Joe didn't wake up.

What if Joe didn't remember me.

It's my fault that we're in this terrible mess.

It's all my fault. Joe isn't going to forgive me.

They're all blaming me.

All of the terrible thoughts kept on crashing on me as the tears started cascading from my eyes. One of the nurses ran into the room and gave me some medicine to calm my panic attack.

After about a painfully long hour, I had calmed down and managed to regulate my breathing.

"I want to see Joe." I demanded. "That's not a good idea." The nurse said. "No, I'm going to see Joe. Take me to him or I'll do it myself."

The nurse quickly nodded and unfolded the wheelchair by my bed. She helped me into the chair, careful not to touch my foot or arm that was in a cast.

She brought me into a room full of people. I saw the rest of my friends in there before I looked over at Joe. Zoe was crying over him while Alfie was trying to comfort her.

"What if he doesn't wake up?" Zoe sobbed into Alfie's shirt. Alfie pulled her closer until he saw me. He nodded at me before getting up with Zoe and walking over to the other chairs.

I immediately began sobbing uncontrollably at the sight in front of me. Joe's chest was rising and falling slowly. His eyes were closed and there were wires hooked up all over him. He had a tube going down his throat, which I was guessing was life support. He had a cast over his ribs and a few wraps around his head and wrist. I realized that I had also had the same wrap around my head.

Even though he looked so tired and warn out, he still looked like the most gorgeous man that I had ever laid my eye on.

The only thing I could hear in the room was the sound of Zoe's muffled sobs and beeping coming from the machines. Alfie led everyone out of the room, leaving me alone with Joe.

I softly took his hand, the one without bandages. It felt so cold and hard, the exact opposite of what I was used to.

"Joe." I cried.

"How in the world did we manage to get into this stupid mess. I don't know if you can hear me or not, and as cheesy as it sounds, I hope you can. I've never been one for a cheesy talk from a chick flick, but I need to talk to you. Gosh I feel so stupid. I love you so much Joe. I don't know what I'll do if you don't wake up. Please wake up. I love you with all of my heart, and so does everyone else here. Tanya told me that they were all planning a surprise for us at Zoe's. Zo managed to get flights for everyone down to her house. I know that they're all worried sick about you."

I breathed in a shaky breath.

"I'm terrified right now. I need you to wake up. I can't live in that big house alone. I just can't, I need you. I need you to hold me... kiss me. I'm sorry for that whole stupid fight. I wish so badly I can take it all back, but as much as I want to... I can't."

My breathing became hoarse as I lay my head down on Joe's chest and began bawling hard into his shirt. It was already a little damp from Zoe's tears.

"Joe please, come back to me." I said inbetween sobs. My shaky hands held on tightly to the hems of his shirt as I let everything out. I screamed and cried and even kicked the bed, which I dearly regretted.

"Please." I let out one more cry before sucking in a breath and turning my back around. I saw Zoe standing at the door, tears still staining her cheeks. She came sprinting towards me and held me tightly, crying into my shoulder.

"I'm going to lose him!" I shouted, angry at myself. Zoe pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "He's going to wake up."


I whipped my head around and saw Joe with his eyes slightly open. "JOE!" I screamed and hopped onto my foot that didn't have a cast on it, wobbling as close to him as I could get and hugging him.

He let out a low chuckle and kissed me softly, giving me one last hug.

"I promised I'd never leave you, and I intend to keep that promise we are both laying in the ground with matching gravestones."

I didn't know what to say, so I just kept on crying onto his shoulder and kissing him.

He gave out one last laugh and a smile that could bring back all of the dead flowers. "Y/N. My shirt is completely soaked." He laughed.

"That was Zoe." I laughed and pointed towards her.

She threw her hands up in defense and let out a grunt.

One by one, everyone came back into the room, laughing and crying at the same time.

My leg hurt, my head hurt, my arm hurt, but I didn't care. I honestly could care less as long as I had Joe with me.

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