Boardwalk (Personal for Beth)

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"Does it taste like an authentic American hotdog?" Joe asked. Joe had wanted to make our one year anniversary special, so he decided that he wanted to take me to the boardwalk in California. 

"To be completely honest, it tastes like what I would imagine sweat to taste like."

"Don't act like you've never tasted sweat before, Beth." "I can say that I have not. I am perfect, Joe Sugg."

He only laughed and pulled out his vlogging camera, turning it on and flipping it around so the lens was facing us.

"Hello, everybody! I decided to take my beautiful girlfriend, Beth, to the boardwalk to get a taste of some authentic America! It hasn't seemed to work thus far, considering she just said that her hotdog tasted like sweat." He made a weird face and turned the camera towards me and I copied the weird face that he had made. 

"Why have we flown to America, Beth?" He asked, the camera still on my face. "Joe wanted his Jaspar coming out video to be special. I'm just a coverup." I joked. I tried to keep a serious face, but ended up bursting out in laughter. Joe had always hated it when I made Jaspar comments. 

"Haha, very funny. The real reason is because, it's Beth and our one year anniversary since I got up the guts to ask her to be my girlfriend!" I did a happy dance and jumped around, trying to make a show for my camera. He laughed and put away his camera, stuffing it in his shoulder backpack. 

"Beth, why'd you do that? Now everybody is going to make all these Jaspar edits with what you just said in it." "I couldn't help it, suggy."

We continued on the conversation of Jaspar as we walked towards a roller coaster called the 'bone crusher.'

Joe looked a little tense, but shook it off as I went running for the roller coaster line. There were only about ten people in front of us, so the longest that we would have to wait would be around five minutes. 

As we were loaded onto the roller coaster, I was strapped in tight next to Joe. Joe looked genuinely scared for his life, whereas I couldn't be more excited. 

"You scared, Suggy?" I leaned over and punched his arm playfully. The ride started moving before he could finish his sentence. "No, I couldn't be more-" A terrified look played his face as he went off screaming. 

We turned left and right, screams and laughter, mainly coming from me, filled the atmosphere. As we finally came to a stop, Joe's hair had gone everywhere and his eyes were bulging from his face like bugs. Maniac laughs were escaping my mouth with my arms thrown in the air and my hair everywhere. 

Finally, the ride came to a slow stop. I looked over at Joe, a strand of hair covering his eye and the rest of it messily sticking straight up. I smoothed out my hair and jumped up, walking out the roller coaster exit with Joe behind me. 

"Wasn't that fun, Joseph?" I laughed and poked his cheek. "Yeah, loads." He said in a monotone voice. 

We decided to just walk around for a little bit and look at what there was to do. He pulled out his vlogging camera once more and turned it towards me. I did another one of my dances, not really sure what to say. Joe laughed and sensed my awkwardness, turning the camera back towards himself. 

"So we just went on the Bone Crusher." Joe said and gave a fake shiver. He kept on talking about the roller coaster as I walked up behind him and poked my head over his shoulder, careful that he didn't see me. I started making weird faces at the camera and doing bunny ears to Joe. 

Joe was so into his vlog that he didn't even notice that I wasn't standing in front of him anymore. I decided to take the opportunity and prank him. 

"Yeah, there were lots of twists and turns and it was pretty scary-" Joe continued his rant. "AND HE ALMOST PEED HIS PANTS!" I shouted from behind him. Joe screamed and threw his camera in the air, turning around quickly. 

I leaned forward and caught the camera right before it hit the ground and smashed into pieces. He gave me a grateful smile and took the camera back, thanking me and giving me a quick peck on the lips. 


After a few more hours at the boardwalk, it had turned completely dark, the only source of light was from the moon and lamps around. Joe grabbed my hand and pulled me to a little grassy area with a curb over the side. He sat down on the grass and I sat next to him. 

"Beth, I love you so much and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I don't want to move too quickly. You've made me so happy since I met you a year and a half ago. It took my half a year to get the guts up to ask the beautiful girl named Beth out, but I finally did it and it was the best decision I've ever made. Before I met you I wasn't good with emotions. Anything besides happiness was a terrifying thought. You helped me to know that it's okay to be sad and you taught me how to deal with my problems. You helped me through so many things and you've ultimately made me the happiest man in the world."

Joe started to tear up, as did I. He pulled out a little ring with an infinity sign on it and looked me in the eye, holding back his tears. 

"I promise I'll marry you someday, but until then- will you take this promise ring?" I smiled and shook my head, yes. He slipped the ring onto my finger and kissed me long and passionately. 

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