Chapter 3

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Yeji's POV

It's been a while since I last saw my twin. Dad brought him to our grandparents to avoid the issue he put himself into; dating his teacher.

I knew he's more likely seeking for our parents attention since I've been really that favorite child eversince. There's no point of showing jolliness to them nor telling them how my day goes since I turned teen. I wanted him to have the attention that he needs.

"How was your stay with them, Hyunjin?" mom asked, busy brushing bella's hair, our 2 year old siberian husky.

"It's fine and classy." he answered while playing on his phone.

"Please don't be involve in such thing again. Please?"

I adjusted my glasses before turning the book to its next page.

Growing up in a happy family doesn't seem to be happy for me. I know their love is genuine, their happiness and all but, I seem to ruin everything.

"How's school, Yeji? I'll fetch you tomorrow since I'll be visiting one branch of our café two blocks away from your school." she stated.

"Sure mom,"

"You haven't change, Yeddeong-ah. Answering plainly than ever. That's so boring." Hyunjin mumbled.

"Hyunjin-ah, you're nagging your sister again. Why won't you just be nice to her since it's your day one here in the house?" dad uttered who just came from the kitchen with a tray of orange juice and sandwiches.

"That's not offensive either, I'm just worried. Aren't she still getting all the attention to act like that? She has all the attention, she should be like me or greater than me," he keeps mumbling.

I don't know whether I'll really feel bad about this glass child. But I somehow wanna punch his face for no reason.

"Should be like you? Should I date our professor too and get caught making out in the office? Or greater than you, get preggy by my professor?" I sarcastically asked.

Dad laughs, "You should really shut your mouth sometimes Hyunjin." he said while laughing. Hyunjin hissed in return.

"Stop dissing each other and eat the food your father prepared." mom interrupted.

Dad cautiously put the juice and ham sandwich in front of me before sitting across my seat, watching me as I read the book.

"You look a lot like me, no wonder why you're so beautiful." he joked. Hyunjin really got his attitude.

"Woah there? Yeji looks like me."

"Come on dad, we looked like mom," Hyunjin said.

"Can't we just say that you two looked like the mixed of our faces?" dad said, sounding so enough that made us laugh.

"By the way, can I ask for a new phone mom? A gaming phone I hope." his eyes is still glued on his phone. I can hear the noises of guns coming from it.

"I'll take time to check for a phone's spec if I have time. How about you, Yeji? Want a new phone too?" I averted my gaze at her who's playing with bella on her lap.

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