Rainbow Niko Ko Ko Ko

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Niko, in the middle of his newest painting, got a call from Karina. His stepsister.

"Hi Karina...What? Last time I saw you with him, you were complaining that he was draining your wallet...I honestly forgot about that!...So, this isn't a joke...Oh, it's good you're married, it's fantastic even, but I'm just...surprised, alright?...No, no, I shouldn't go. I always make things worse at family gatherings, intentional or not...No means, no, Karina...I talk to my dad all the time, and I'm so far away, too!...You don't need me to be there for your wedding. I'll be better if I don't show up...Goodbye."

Mallomor had heard all of this.

"Your step sister is having a wedding?"

"Yes, but I'm not going."

Mallomor's pointy ears, twitched. "Why?"

"I'll ruin it, I'm sure of it.

My dad had me stay for Karina's Sweet 16, and I ended up making the guests uncomfortable whenever they tried to talk with me."

"How old were you then?"


"And how old are you now?"


Mallomor placed a hand on Niko's shoulder. "Certainly you've learned to not do so by now?"

Niko stared into Mallomor's, red, reptilian eyes. He felt that they were more beautiful than before.

Maybe he just thought that because he was shedim, not demon.

"There's more to it than that. I'm charismatic, but I have a knack for driving others away. And weddings aren't exactly my style-"

Mallo pulled Niko closer. "Free cake! I know for a fact that you have a sweet tooth."

"I do, but I'm so far away from where it is. I also don't have anything to wear-"

"Hush, will you? Your excuses are as weak as ever, Niko."

Niko averted his gaze for a moment, and then looked back to Mallo. "Got a plan?"

"Of course, Niko. I always do."

In time, Mallomor presented him with a dark purple tux in a bag.

"As a nonconformist, I felt you'd appreciate it."

Niko examined it. "Thanks for not making it a sparkly one. Karina wanted to make it a disco wedding, but her husband put his foot down."

"What's disco?"

"You don't want to know. Believe me."

Later, as Niko made a watercolor card to celebrate the union, Mallomor approached him.

"Hey, Niko?"

Niko was unhappy to be interrupted. "What is it?"

"We should invite Morgana."

"No, she has better things to do than attending a wedding."

Mallomor made a chair out of shadow and sat on it, next to Niko. "I talked to her. Seems like she'd like to come."

Niko sighed. "How do I introduce her to my parents? It's supposed to be Karina's one day to be normal, to forget her step-brother is a freak!"

Mallomor hugged Niko. "You're not a freak, Niko. You're a wonderful person, a lovely artist, and a good boyfriend. Please, don't be so hard on yourself."

Niko went quiet.

"C'mon, Niko." Mallomor kissed Niko to cheer him up.

Niko's mood lightened. "Alright, I will."

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