Chapter 16

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After having a great day with Kylie, the concert will start soon. We spent most of the afternoon watching the different trades use their know-how to ensure a show worthy of the name. It was very interesting, seing both the setting of the different instruments, and the setting up of the light shows. Brian often came to see his girlfriend, and took the opportunity to stay and chat with us for a while. He's a very straightforward guy who quickly puts people at ease. It's so unreal for us, simple French girls, to see their daily life when they are on tour. Sebastian, Remington and Andrew also came to greet us. Emerson, on the other hand, has not denied showing the tip of his nose since our little conversation in the lodges this morning.

As we expected, the girls and I take a front row in the pit, just minutes before the doors open and the many fans arrive.

"I'm all excited !" Carole tells us, who actually doesn't hold in place.

"I would like this day never ends!" Adds Maxine.

"So am I." Ellie adds.

I think we'll take a little while to come down from our clouds. Getting back to reality may be difficult for all of us.

The lights of the room finally go out. Elia enter the stage to the applause and encouragement of the crowd. How lucky they are! They provide a set of seven songs brilliantly, and have managed to put the public in their pocket. The room is in turmoil after their show.

A good quarter of an hour passes and people start to get impatient. Some start chanting the name of the group by clapping their hands, so that the entire audience follows the movement "Palaye!" Palaye! Palaye! ". I have fun imagining them behind the curtains, preparing psychologically to go on stage, and hugging each other like most bands do in these moments. A soundtrack finally echoes in our ears, making us scream at the top of our lungs.

One of the guys is having fun roaring his guitar backstage, which makes us get even more impatient. Emerson enters the stage and goes to stand behind his drums, brandishing his drumsticks in the air. Andrew and Brian arrive on the left, and raise their fists victoriously towards us. Sebastian also arrives with his eternal warm smile, then Remington enters the stage. The latter plays with his androgyn image. He grabs the microphone placed in the center of the stage and starts screaming in his hoarse voice.

- Alright Rennes! We are Palaye Royale! Are you ready motherfuckers?!

The public's response is immediate and they throw us the first title of the show: "Hang on to yourself".

Throughout the set, I can't help but take my eyes off Emerson. Seeing him like that giving everything behind his drums gives me a strange feeling. A certain physical attraction against which I can't fight. Despite my best efforts to keep him away from me, I can't deny that I really like him. But since I'm far too down to earth, I put it down to the adrenaline rush served by their impeccably orchestrated concert.

After a few minutes of interruption, probably to cool off a bit, they come back on stage to play four more songs for us. It's when he comes back on stage that I notice Emerson finally spotted me in the crowd. Far from being taken by surprise, he gives me an adorable smile which I can only answer by smiling at him in turn. My God, don't play this seduction game with me... Ellie notices and nudges me, laughing. We laugh out loud as we try to sing the lyrics to "Mr Doctor Man" that they started to play. The concert ends after a breathtaking "Massacre, The New American Dream". We ended up on the kneecaps so much we screamed and jumped. But it was worth it! This perfect day will certainly be remembered for a long time, immersed in their life as rock stars.

The room gradually empties. Kylie asked us to stay a bit after the show because she absolutely wanted to say goodbye. So we find her at the merchandising stand which is literally taken over by the fans. After three quarters of an hour of fierce sales, she joined us on the steps where we sat down to rest our legs.

"Why haven't you found the guys backstage while you wait?" She asks us.

The girls and I look at each other as if to say "Really! We can do that?".

"No big deal! We going to have an after party if you like?" She adds, indicating to us to follow her towards the lodges.

"With pleasure!" Carole exclaims, getting up in fourth gear.

I look at Ellie, smiling. She nods at me to make me stand up and I can see in her eyes that she tells me that I have to stop bothering me with my questions.

"Come on Lexie! Stop ruminating a bit, see it as an extension of this extraordinary day!"

"Yes, you are probably right!"

My cell phone starts to vibrate in my pocket. I stealthily watch who's calling while following the girls. Damn, it's Estébane! I had forgotten this one. I reject his call and put my cell phone on silent. I hope he's not around waiting for me to join him. I ignore those negative thoughts the second we walk through the backstage door.

Palaye Royale are all there, laughing together over a glass of beer. Emerson is slumped on the couch, shirtless. I remain glued to this image for a moment that suddenly makes me feel very hot, until he notices my presence, making me look away. Probably out of modesty, he hisses Sebastian across the room to throw him a t-shirt to put on.

"We will quickly run out of booze!" Andrew cried, emptying what appeared to be the last beer in his glass.

"Do you know a cool bar in town where we could have a good time?" Kylie asks us, going to sit on Brian's lap.

The girls and I look at each other and discuss it aside. I don't really know Rennes, but luckily Avril has already been there several times.

"The 'Gazoline' is pretty good." She finally told them. "They play great music and serve beers from all over the world. "

"Sounds great to me!" said Kylie. "What do you guys think?"

"I am on it!" Remington replies.

"Me too!" Brian adds.

"Let's go!" Sebastian said looking at his girlfriend, who obviously isn't determined to take part in the party.

This little observation seems to delight Avril.

"I'm going to get the girls from Elia to come with us!" Emerson said finally as he stood up.

He finishes his beer and heads for the girls' lodge, staggering slightly. As he walks past me, he lightly brushes my arm and gives me a heavy look. I'm sure he did it on purpose. I blushed at this caress as unexpected as it was pleasant. No one seems to have noticed his gesture. He leaves the room.

"Jeez Emerson! He can't live without having girls with him!" Brian laughs.

His sentence lifts my heart, bringing me back to the sad reality. Emerson is a die-hard flirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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