Snowball power:2

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Win POV.

I woke up and scratch my eyes.

No one's with me...

I feel like i wanna cry right now.

just as i was gonna cry someone opened the door.

"P'bright?" i got shock when p'bright came in holding plastics of foods.

"So the nuisance is awake" he said then put the plastics down.

"Why are you still here?" i ask.

"Too much talking,the nurse said you should eat and avoid fasting" he said while opening the containers.

He gave me the opened containers of food.

"feed me" i said and pout.

"What? does your hands got broken or what?!" he shout.

"Fine then i won't eat" i cross my arms.

I heard him sigh.

"Fine" he take the untensils then scoop the food.

"Oi! thats to much i can't eat all of that!" 

"you want me to feed you or what?" 

"fine fine"

I open my mouth and swallowed the food.

"hmmm this taste good do you cooked it?" i ask.

"no i'all only cook for you when you have taken on hospital" he said while taking a scoop again.

"WHAT?!" i almost choked.

"You saraleo why would i be on hospital" i shout at him.

"We'll its obvious this is the beginning of our story and your already on a clinic" he said then feed me again.

"You *chump* saraleo *chump*"

"hey don't talk when eating you'll get choked again" he said then open a water bottle.

He gave the bottle and i drink it.


"hmmm yummy" i said while touching my tummy.

I heard p'bright chuckle.

"cute right?" i ask then show my bunny smile.

He just shook his head and chuckle again.

"What's so funny?" i ask.

"Is something on my face?" i ask again.

I took my phone and open the camera then smile.

"WAHHHH p'bright you monster why didn't you tell me i have seaweed that is stuck in my teeth!" i shout at p'bright.

" You didn't ask" he said stopping himself from laughing.

"looks like im the one being pestered" i said and cross my arms.


I woke up early and made a lunchbox for p'bright.

I made an omelette with fried rice and pancakes.

When i arrived at school i quickly find their spot.




𝙋𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝘽𝙮 𝘼 𝘾𝙪𝙩𝙚 𝙉𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚Where stories live. Discover now