Snowball power:14

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{Thusrday morning}

Win POV.

"Now try Chord C"

I nod my head happily.

After what happened yesterday me and bright started to become more close to each other

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After what happened yesterday me and bright started to become more close to each other.

And he's not being so cold towards me anymore.

"Good...see i told you,you can do it" he smile and pat my head.

We were practicing on the music club because tomorrow is the music festival.

But what's more exciting is i can now play guitar properly.

Bright started to teach me again yesterday and i manage to learn that fast.

I smiled sweetly at him.

"Thank you wolfie..without you i won't be able to learn playing guitar that fast"

without you i won't be able to learn playing guitar that fast"

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Bright secretly smiled.

"Oh i forgot" i quickly open my bag and take the lunchbox out.

"Here" i gave him the lunchbox.

"Here" i gave him the lunchbox

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"Thanks" bright smiled.

He opened the lunchbox.

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