Snowball power:9

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Win POV.

"Bring me my lunch after class"

I got shock and just nod.

Then he completely walk away.

"I smell something fishy about you two" man said eyeing me.

"Uhh..gotta go bye P's,Oh and sorry p'green i can't help you today"

I  smile and waved at them.

I entered my classroom and greet my friends.

"So how's your ride with p'bright?" fong ask.

"The best" i chuckled.

Minutes later the professor came.

"Goodmorning class as for today we'll have a short quiz i have the quiz sheet's here"

The prof. open his bag and take the papers out.

"Past the paper's to your classmates"

The prof.give the papers to the first row.

"Sir" phuak raise his hand.

"yes?mr.pluem what can i do for you?" 

"This is the faculty of science's quiz sheet"

"what?" the prof.look at the papers.

"Oh im sorry i must've take the wrong paper's"

"Any one who want to go to the faculty of science to switch the paper's?" 

I quickly raise my hand.


"okay then Mr.Metawin, you take the papers-" 

Before the prof.finish his words i quickly take the papers and went out.

I happily skip through the faculty of science.

Wanna know why?

YES!Because p'bright is there~

I knock at the room.

It opened and it revealed a professor.

"uhh Goodmorning Sir the quiz sheets of the law and science got switch"

"Oh is that so?" he look to his students.

"Class president can you please take the quiz sheets on my office and give it to this boy"

"yes sir"

I got excited.

I saw bright stand up.

The prof. go back to his discussion.

"Hi mr.president~" i waved at p'bright.

Bright got shocked,

"What are you doing here?" 

"The quiz sheets got switch" i smiled and show him the papers.

He just roll his eyes.

"Come with me"

I nod and follow him.

Bright entered the office and i wait for him.

He came out and switch the papers again.

"Now go back to your class" 

He said then walk away.

"Wait P'~" i called him again.

He turned around and frown.

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