Snowball power:24

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Win POV.

"Can you repeat it again i didn't hear it clearly?" he said and sit beside me.

"Uhh..repeat what?" i pretend i didn't say anything.

He smirk and move closer to me.

"Don't play dumb on me.." he say tenderly.

He deeply stare into my eyes.

I stared back at his deep brown eyes.

"Are you sure your not my win?" he ask softly.

"I-im not" i stuttered.

He sigh nd move away.

"You really do look like him.." he took his phone on his pocket.

"But my bunny is not that fiesty" he chuckled again.

"Ohhh what do we have here?" the beard man and the jolly man appeared.

"So tine right?" the beard man ask.

I nod my head.

"Your a transferee?" the jolly man ask.

I nod my again.

"Where are you from?" the beard man ask again.

"Me and my brother grow up in phuket" 

They look at each other and look at me again.

"Who's your brother?" ask fong.

"Type teepakorn"

"What about your parents?" the jolly man ask.

I became pale at that question.

"We have no parents" i lowered my voice a bit.

Their eyes widened.

"Your the same as win, win grow up in an orphanage because his parents caught in a accident but his brother cannot be found" said fong.

My eyes widened.

What a miserable life does win have?!

"Now tell us why do you move here?" the beard man ask.

"My brother works here,we just move back here after my recovery" 

"Recovery?" they curiously ask.

"My brother said i caught in a accident and lost my memories but good thing i didn't lost my diary..but my brother won't let me read it" i sigh.

I look on my watch and stand up.

"'s nice meeting you sorry about yesterday i ran away..but i gotta go" i said and walk away.

Bright POV.

"He's life is very similar to win..don't you think?" man said and nudge me.

I remained silent.

"Yes and he said he lost his memories, what if he... is win and he just lost his memories?" fong said.

"We'll that make sense" ohm agreed.

"But he said he grow up with his brother, win didn't grow up with his brother" said phuak.

They nod and keep thinking.

I still remained silent.

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