Snowball power:5

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Win POV.

When p'bright leave i face boss and man.

"So what are you guys plan on p'brights B-day?" I ask them.

They look at each other.

"I totally forgot about that" man said.

"mee too" boss added.

"WHAT?! what kind of friends are you?" i shake my head in dissapointment.

"So do you have a plan win? we'll help you" said man.

"Actually i have so many but i can't choose" i chuckled.

"okay then i'll make a group chat just add your friends their" boss said typing on his phone.

Minutes later

P'bright arrived holding a tray and a blue hawaii.

He put it infront of me.

"Thanks P~" I show him my bunny smile.

He avoid my gaze and just nod.

"What about us?" boss ask.

"Buy yourselves" Bright said and take his phone on his pocket.

"He buy his wife a food but doesn't even buy his friends one" man said and cross his arms.

I chuckled at them and start eating.

"Thanks for the food P'bright i'll get going naa~" i smile and waved at them.

Im on my way to my next class when i saw a liitle cute dog walking around.

"What a cute dog~" i kneel down and pat the dog's head.

"Where is your owner? are you lost or abandoned?" i carry it.

Its a girl.

"If your owner abandoned you i'll keep you then your safe at me"

I put him in my bag.

"Shhh,be quiet okay?" 

I keep on walking when a three man approach me.

"HEY YOU! HOW DARE YOUR LOVER PUNCH MY FACE" the man that p'bright punch said angrily.

"I-im sorry.." i afraidly said.

"Hold that bunny boy" the man ordered the two other man.

"N-no please.." 

Before the two man hold me the dog that i found earlier jump out from my bag and bark.

The three man got shocked.

I carry the dog and run.


I run as fast as i could.

I ran through the parking lot and find my scooter.

"Stay there"

I put the dog on my scooter's basket.

I quickly open the engine and drove out of the university.

"I'll just tell my friends that im not feeling okay" 

{At win's condo}

I open my condo and get inside.

𝙋𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝘽𝙮 𝘼 𝘾𝙪𝙩𝙚 𝙉𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚Where stories live. Discover now