Snowball power:7

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Bright POV.

I was lost of words.

"They're right bright win is really serious about loving you" man said and pat my shoulders.

"Just give him a chance" boss added.

I sigh and walk away.

"Ai'bright where are you going? are you not still convince" shout man.


"WHAT?!" they simultaneously said.

"Then where are you going?!" ask man.

"To the clinic"

"WHAT? ARE YOU SICK?" boss ask.

"No,that little nuisance is wounded"

Win's POV.

I sat under the tree.

I sigh and look at the lunchbox.

"Why can't p'bright like me back" i pout.

I open the lunchbox and sigh again.

"What a waste of food" i closed it again.

I get up and go to the nearest trash bin.

Before i throw away the food someone steal the lunchbox from me.

"Stop wasting food,do you know a lot of people are hungry and they can't even buy food"

"P-P'bright?" i was shocked.

"Psh...what a nuisance" he said and pulled me back under the tree.

He open his bag and take a small medicine kit.

He put some betadine on the cotton buds.

Then he take my face mask off,i was shocked.

"Psh..what a liar" he said and frown.

"Y-you knew it?" i ask.

"Youre friends tell me" he said .

Then he apply lightly the medicine on my wounded lips.

"P' your hands are trembling" i stare at his hands.

"Im just afraid of bloods" he said focused on my wound.

"Me too.....Im trembling too" i said then he looked at me.

"I mean my heart" i showed him my bunny smile.

He hit my head.

"Ouchh P' that hurts~" i cried then pout.

"Im treating your wounds stay still" bright secretly smiled.

After he treat my wounds he packed up his stuff.

"Now tell me,who punch you?" p'bright ask seriously.

"Uhm..its the man that you punched  P"  i said then pout.

"Is this the first time that he approach you?" he ask.

"No P' this is the second time,the first time that he approach me i escape" i chuckled.

He hit me again.

"Ouchh P' that really hurts naa~" i cried.

He sigh.

"Meet me after your classes" he said and get up.

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