Snowball power:13

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Bright POV.

Me and my friends are sitting on the cafeteria.

I'm extremely curious to where the heck is win and why is he not showing up.

"Its been a whole day and your wife is still not showing up" man nudge me.

"Yeah and look pam give you a lunchbox,you sure don't want to eat it?" said boss.

I just roll my eyes and turn my attention to my phone.

I was busy scrolling when a lunchbox slide infront of me.

It was the lunchbox that win always give to me.

I sigh in relief.

"Not hungry" i joked and lifted my head.

But i only see win's friends.

"Win ask us to bring this to you" fong said.

"What? why?" ask man and boss.

"Well...he said he still have to practice-" ohm words got cut when i stand up.

"Tell me what's happening to win? why is he practicing on his own?" i curiously ask.

"Well he said he didn't want to bother you for a while that's why he stop approching you" phuak said.

"AWW that's so sweet" man and boss simultaneously said.

I think for a moment.

So that's why he's not showing up? psh.. so stupid

"Oh and this morning he had been late to class" fong said.

ohm and phuak nod.

"Why?" i ask.

"Because he's been practicing guitar overnight" phuak said.

"And he still manage to made food for you" boss unbelievably said.

"If i have a boyfriend like win i will never let go of him he's so caring and sweet" man hint.

"Where is he?" i ask.

"He's at the music club" 

I turn around and saw green.

"He's practicing at the music club and he seemed so tired" green worriedly said.

I quickly pack my stuff.

I took the lunchbox and put it on my bag.

"Not hungry  ehh" man grin.

I roll my eyes then leave them.

Win POV.

I was strumming the guitar but my eyes keep closing.

I yawn and keep playing.

I wanna sleep~


I jolted at my seat when someone speak behind me.

I turn around and saw bright leaning on the door.

I didn't say anything and just stare at him.

Then i quickly pack my things.

Noo i can't approach him right now i have to practice guitar properly.

And i promise that i won't bother him until Music festival arrives.

I was about to go out when i was pushed against the wall.

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