Capítulo 19

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Fatima's POV

5months later...

    Ya Afiz and Hafsa relationship has been going smooth. I pray they will get married.
My work is fine too. All the employees are hardworking and nice. I am very happy to work in my dad's office as the CEO,my dad changed the company name to my name FBM.

"Ya Aria"maheer called me

"Yes" I answered

"Baba is calling you"he said

"Okay I am coming"I said thinking of why babe called me maybe it is about this wedding stuff.

"Yes baba"I said immediately I entered his room

"You know why I called you?"he asked

"No"I said

"It is about your wedding"he said and I nodded

"Muhammad's family are coming today to set your wedding day"baba said and my heart started beating fast

"Okay"I managed to say

"Get ready they are coming by 5:00pm"baba said

"Okay I will be ready"I said hiding my tears

"Yawwa Yar Albarka"baba praised me. I smiled and left

      I went back to my room cried and slept. I woke up by 4:30pm Kai I am late let me quickly dress then pray. I was ready by 5:10pm I know baba and mama will shout at me.
      I was waiting for for mama to send someone to call me. I carried my phone called  Hafsa and Maryam telling them about my wedding. They consoled Me. Maryam told me her brother is nice but he doesn't show it because if his past. I told her to tell me but she didn't. Maryam told me her mother said she shouldn't come.we finished talking and bid goodbye.

"Aria"my mother called

"Yes mama"I answered

"Come to the parlour"she said

"Okay"I said

"Ina wuni aunty and uncle"I greeted them together

"Lafiya"they answered

"Come and sit here my child"aunty suwaiba said showing me the place to sit

"We came to set the date of your wedding"aunty said and I nodded

"When do you want it to be"she asked me that was when I looked at Muhammad and he was starting back at me

"December next year"I said

"Is it not too far"mama said

"No leave it"aunty said smiling

"Muhammad do you agree"aunty asked him

"Yes"he said rudely

"Okay it is set"both parents said

"Why don't you guys get to know each other before week leave"said aunty

"Let's go"I told him

"You are happy that your plan succeeded ba"he said

"Which plan"I asked

"Wedding plan"he said

"Do you think I want to marry you"I said angryly

"Yes I can see you are eager"he said and that made me boil again

"If you don't want the marriage why don't you reject it"he said

"I am doing that it for my parent's sake,why don't you reject it"I told him back

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